Teacher: David Schneider
David Schneider
David Schneider spent 13 years at the San Francisco Zen Center before discovering Shambhala and went through various ordinations in the Zen tradition. He was an acharya (senior teacher) in Shambhala for many years and has taught both Buddhist programs and retreats and Shambhala teachings at all levels. He has given Refuge & Bodhisattva Vows, and led Vajra Assembly study programs; directed all levels of Shambhala Training, up to and including Warriors Assembly. David is empowered to teach all five of the Dharma Art / Shambhala Art levels and has developed his own programs in the field of Dharma Art.
David's Courses
Wellness, Life, and the Arts
Heiliger Pfad: Große östliche Sonne (hybrid )
Die Lehren der Großen Östlichen Sonne sind der Eingang in die „heilige Welt“ und setzen die Reise des Kriegers fort, der dazu beiträgt, eine erbauliche, freundliche und fürsorgliche Gesellschaft und Welt zu schaffen.
Prerequisites apply
Great Eastern Sun
A Year of Deepening in Compassion - Part III: Fearless Garuda - Emptiness and Absolute Bodhicitta
A Year of Deepening in Compassion: Part three of a four-part series exploring the Shambhala Mahayana teachings.
No Prerequisites
SSBS & other Buddhist Courses others
A Year of Deepening in Compassion Series
Full series exploring the Shambhala Mahayana teachings.
No Prerequisites
SSBS & other Buddhist Courses others
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