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Location: Shambhala Online

Chöd Practice: Severing Attachment to Obstacles

Explore this recorded Shambhala Online course at your own pace.

About the Course

This course is comprised of asynchronous, recorded talks you may view at your convenience. It also includes the lung for the practice and an online discussion forum. The text can be ordered once you have received the lung.

Chöd is a unique offering practice founded by Machik Lapdron in 11th century Tibet. Machik Lapdron realised emptiness and her instructions arise from that realisation. As Chöd practices pervaded Tibet they expanded to accommodate all of the various schools and lineages. Many are fascinated with the melodious chanting and rhythmic drumming but the heart of the practice is literally “cutting” — cutting through our obscurations, cutting ego-grasping and fixation and then offering our entire being to pacify the suffering of all beings.

This Chöd practice was presented to our sangha by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamsto Rinpoche during the summers he visited Karme Chöling and Dorje Denma Ling. We use the English translation of the daily Chöd practice text by Wangchuk Dorje with part of the commentary from Jamgon Kongtrul as translated by Elizabeth Callahan. Tibetan melodies are transcribed by Jean Thies, Ellen Green and Basia Solarz.   


This recorded program is open to authorized practitioners of Vajrayogini or Werma Sadhana, who wish to learn the practice, as well as to experienced Chöd practitioners of other traditions. If you have questions about whether you qualify please email Kristine McCutcheon . This course will provide instructions and guidance for the sadhana and music, as well as a live Q&A and a live practice session, date to be announced.

A printed copy of the liturgy will be available for purchase ($25 USD) which covers printing and a donation to the translator (shipping will vary). For more information, contact Kristine McCutcheon.   

About the Teacher

Kristine McCutcheon is a householder whose practice includes completing a 3-year retreat, path of Shambhala, and studying with many teachers including Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche, Khenpo Rinpoche, Pema Chodron and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Kristine lives with her husband in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, between the mountain and ocean.

2024-09-11 06:30:00