Explore this recorded Shambhala Online course at your own pace.
In times of pandemic, war, worldwide environmental destruction, and social disintegration, one can easily be overcome by feelings of disconnection, helplessness, resignation, and paralysis. The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, by the 14th-century monk Ngulchu Thogme Sangpo, provides clear insights on how to work with such challenges and turn around seemingly intractable situations. The text also points to the skillful means that bring us the strength of heart to work with difficult circumstances while continuing to be of benefit to others.
No prerequisites required.
Talk 1: When nothing works anymore: turning around – The story of Ngulchu Thokme Zangpo
Talk 2: Setting out to travel: what to take with us – preparations & provisions
Talk 3: Map and compass for travel: what to leave behind- the means of actual travel and progress
Talk 4: How to make use of loss, suffering, disgrace and other obstacles
Talk 5: Signposts left behind by an old monk – making sure we don’t go astray
Each session includes a lecture and a practice or contemplation period.
Here are 2 good translations:
1) Ken McLeod’s translation on his website: unfettered mind:
2) The Lotsawa House translation:
Mathias Pongracz has been a student of both the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (since 1983) and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche (since 1991), and a student of Kobun Chino Roshi. He teaches in Austria, Hungary, and France.
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