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Location: Seattle Shambhala Center

Seattle Shambhala Childrens Program


Seattle Shambhala Children’s Program offers respite for parents who wish to meditate as well as an introduction to mindfulness for children. Activities include short meditations, mindful games, singing, mindful walking and making mandalas. The aim of the program is to introduce children to practices they can use to calm themselves and stay present in the moment.

The children’s program is offered every first Sunday of the month starting at 10 am and ending before the facilitated discussion (around 11:30am). Some snacks, drinks and games provided. Parents are invited to bring appropriate supplies for their children.

There are no age restrictions but we do ask that you contact us in advance if your child is 3 years or younger, or has special needs. 

Location: Seattle Shambhala Center, 3107 E Harrison St, Seattle.

For details, contact Andrea D’Asaro, [email protected]

Photo: Kids and parents created this autumn leaf, stone, and stick mandala at our first meeting in November 2023.

Seattle Shambhala Center
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2024-09-19 23:19:20