Join us in person for 4 live video calls with beloved Buddhist author and teacher, Pema
Chödrön over the course of the year. During these 75-minute calls, Pema will take
questions from people around the world.
Halifax Shambhala Centre will host a group viewing of these video calls, along with
regular opportunities to meet and discuss core themes Pema presents.
Gatherings are scheduled below.
All are welcome to attend any part of this year-long program. If you need to pay per event, please contact Deborah Luscomb <[email protected]>
Dates of VIDEO calls and DISCUSSIONS together – Save these dates!
April 14 live video call #2 with Pema on Working with Difficult Emotions, 1:30pm
May 26 replay of video at 12:30pm followed by discussion circle at 2pm
June 16 discussion circle at 2pm
July 28 live video call #3 with Pema on Compassion in the Challenge Zone, 1:30pm
September 8 replay of video at 12:30pm followed by discussion circle at 2pm
October 13 live video call #4 with Pema on How we Live is How we Die, 1:30pm
November 3 replay of video at 12:30pm followed by discussion circle at 2pm
December 8 at 12:30pm to watch the remaining 5 short audio/video clips of Pema teaching that were sent to us by Prajna Studios this year
This event takes place at the Halifax Shambhala Centre, an inclusive and accessible community space. You can find other public and introductory events here.
The Halifax Shambhala Centre maintains a SCENT-FREE environment. Please DO NOT wear or use any scented products. Many of us are highly allergic.
Please note that open beverage containers (glasses, cups etc) are not allowed in the shrine rooms. You might want to bring your water bottle and/or travel mug. No single-use plastic bottles, please.