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Location: Seattle Shambhala Center

The Third Noble Truth: Freedom from Suffering – Finding Freedom Course 4 [Online]

About the Series: Finding Freedom

The Hinayana path is where every Buddhist practitioner begins. It is based on the mindfulness and awareness training of meditation as well as many other core Buddhist principles and teachings, such as: The Four Noble Truths, The Four Marks of Existence, Maitri (friendliness to oneself), Karma, The Five Skandhas, and The Four Foundations of Mindfulness. These foundational teachings are the heart of the Buddhist practitioner’s path. If you have ever wondered “what is Buddhism all about” or feel like you need a refresher on the key teachings, this is the course for you!

The Four Noble Truths is used as the overall organizing principle for the series and is threaded through each session. Each of the five courses will be taught by a local Seattle Shambhala teacher (there are no pre-recorded sessions).

Benefits of the Program

  • Through the practice of meditation, experience the present moment of everyday life just as it is
  • Develop more contentment and joy and live with greater clarity and compassion
  • Begin to understand the cause of your anxiety, depression, and fear and how you can be free from it
  • Develop more friendliness to yourself, allowing you to meet the challenges of daily life with bravery and dignity
  • Cultivate having a more open heart – both to yourself and others

Course 4: Third Noble Truth: Freedom from Suffering

This course presents the Third Noble Truth, Freedom from Suffering, and begins with an exploration of the third Foundation of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of Effort. 

The Buddha said that… suffering should be known; the origin of suffering should be renounced; the cessation of suffering should be realized; and the path should be regarded as the truth to resolution.
– Chögyam Trungpa

How do we find relief? This module explores the third noble truth, The Truth of
Cessation. How do we realize the cessation of suffering now?

Trungpa Rinpoche emphasizes the experience of cessation as it arises in meditation and life, rather than as an imagined goal to be achieved in the future. We will explore the experience of cessation as “the gap” in shamatha practice, especially with regard to Mindfulness of Effort; how we recognize the contrast between samsara and nirvana; and how vipashyana awareness allows us to extend and rest in the gap. Finally, we will look at the ways the Truth of Cessation manifests at different levels of practice and the path.


About the Teacher:

Alan Ness is a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He has been meditating since the 1970’s. Alan attended a three-month Buddhist seminary 1983 in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been trained as a meditation instructor and teacher in the Shambhala tradition. He lives in Wallingford and is an architect.




More information regarding accessing the program online will be sent to participants via email closer to the program’s start date.

Questions? Reach out to us at [email protected] for technical assistance or program questions. 


Seattle Shambhala Center
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2024-09-19 23:28:36