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Forgiveness: A Journey to Healing and Wholeness

Online program via Zoom co-presented by the Berkeley Shambhala Center and Davis Shambhala Meditation Center

Forgiveness is an extraordinarily powerful healing force that is available to us at any time and regardless of whether the person or situation that harmed us is involved. The journey of forgiveness is a way to end suffering and reconnect with our basic goodness—our basic wholeness.

In this 8-week course we will explore forgiveness through spiritual teachings and research (heaven), practice the skillful means through our personal forgiveness journey in a step-by-step process (earth), and experience meaningful group support throughout the forgiveness journey (humanity). 

This course will include guided meditation, talks, small group work, and journaling. Each class builds on the previous class(es).

Course Requirements
A strong commitment to actively engage in all aspects of the forgiveness journey including attending all 8 sessions (2 hours each) and completing the weekly assignments (about 1 hour).

Technology Requirements
A computer with speakers, microphone, video capabilities, and high-speed internet connection. Mobile devices such as phones and tablets are not recommended. Access to Zoom application.

Required Texts
Forgiveness Workbook, A Step-by-Step Guide by Eileen Barker.
This will be made available at no cost as a PDF file to all registered participants. Or a bound version can be purchased on Amazon.

Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness by Dr. Fred Luskin



Cynthia MorinCynthia Morin
has been part of the Shambhala community since 2006 and is an active member of the Berkeley Shambhala Center. She has certification in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction through U Mass Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, End of Life Practitioner through the Metta Institute, and as a Forgiveness Coach through The Path of Forgiveness Institute. Her main Buddhist teacher is Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche. 

Elvia GarciaElvia García is an accomplished mediator, restorative justice facilitator, conflict management coach, mindful communication teacher, conflict mediation trainer, and in 2021 completed her training as a forgiveness coach through The Path of Forgiveness Institute. Elvia has been an active member of the Shambhala community and meditation practitioner since 2007. She currently serves as Co-Director of the Davis Shambhala Meditation Center.  

Marquita CampbellMarquita Campbell is a well-versed practitioner whose gifting lies in the skillful integration of her multidisciplinary skill set. She is a certified Forgiveness Coach through The Path of Forgiveness Institute, holds a Master of Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine University, Caruso/School of Law, and is a Mindfulness Coach. She is an Alternative Dispute Resolution practitioner and the founder and Executive Director of Chrysalis Conflict Transformation. Her practice includes mediation, facilitation, and conflict coaching. 


Forgiveness: A Journey to Healing and Wholeness

8 Thursday evenings, September 26 to November 14 2024 • 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Online via Zoom • Co-presented by the Berkeley Shambhala Center & Davis Shambhala Center

Program Price: $175     
Patron Price: $200  
Or pay what you can afford. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Generosity Policy
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Paying the full program or patron price provides much needed support to Berkeley Shambhala. For more information please see our generosity policy.  Note: If it is not possible to make a payment, please leave a message in the notes section when you register. This will let us know you deliberately left that field blank, and we will not reach out to you for payment. 

Please register and pay in advance to make certain you receive all the relevant information before the program. A Welcome Letter will be sent out prior to the program start, containing the Zoom link info and Landing page access.
For further information, please contact Elvia: director [at] shambhaladavis [dot] org

Davis Shambhala Meditation Center
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