Looking for more clarity, calm, and compassion in your life? The practice of meditation can help us better manage stress and anxiety in the challenges of our daily lives, allowing us to be more open and compassionate to others.
In the interest of creating opportunities for those interested in learning more about meditation, Cleveland Shambhala is introducing a new, monthly ONLINE course. This 1-hour event will be offered on the second Wednesday of every month from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. During this hour, participants will learn the essentials of Shamatha (“peaceful abiding”) meditation, have an opportunity to ask questions and receive suggestions (along with an emailed handout) for setting up a regular meditation practice.
If you are interested, click on the Zoom link below on the assigned Wednesdays. The Zoom room will be opened at 6:45 pm before the course begins.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 5857 5082
Passcode: peaceful
There is no set cost for this program although donations are cheerfully and gratefully accepted. Cleveland Shambhala is supported entirely through donations. Please help support our Center and programming with a donation.