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Location: Birmingham Shambhala Center

One-day Meditation Retreat (Nyinthün)

We are very pleased to offer a one-day retreat on Saturday, September 28.  In Shambhala, a full day meditation practice is called a nyinthün and offers an opportunity to deepen one’s practice beyond our usual one- and two-hour sessions. 

The schedule will include opening and closing chants, sitting/walking meditation, guided compassion practice, dharma reading, silent lunch (included), afternoon tea break. 

Full day attendance is strongly recommended.  If this is not possible for you, please contact Marion Buckley.

Because this event will be held at the Center, registration will be limited by space to 25 people.

(Yes, we considered the football schedules: Alabama has a home game vs Georgia at 6:30 pm; Auburn has a home game vs Oklahoma with the time TBD.)

Suggested donation is $25.

Birmingham Shambhala Center
See all events in Birmingham Shambhala Center
2024-09-09 11:52:23