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Location: Hoosier Heartland Shambhala Meditation Group

Half-Day Saturday Morning Meditation Retreat

Hoosier Heartland Shambhala Meditation Group is holding a half-day meditation retreat on Saturday, December 14. Here are the details:

  • We will be sitting at the Center for Wholism, 2401 N Walnut St.
  • Doors will open at 8:30. Sitting will begin at 9:00.
  • We will alternate between sitting meditation and walking/yoga with mid-morning tea.
  • We will end at noon.
  • Bring a bag lunch and join us for lunch and conversation afterwards.
  • We have plenty of cushions and chairs.
  • Dress in layers and bring a shawl or blanket, so you can adjust to the room temperature.
  • Bring a donation ($10 suggested/ $5 students/seniors) or just come.
  • Please register using the link so we can plan.  
Hoosier Heartland Shambhala Meditation Group
See all events in Hoosier Heartland Shambhala Meditation Group
2024-09-09 12:36:01