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Qigong 1 and 2 – Peaceful Body, Peaceful Mind

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Qigong 1 and 2
Peaceful Body, Peaceful Mind

Saturday & Sunday – October 12 & 13

Regular Price: $200
Patron Price: $250
Limited Income: $50
Repeater Price: $100

When body is relaxed and peaceful, energy will flow. When mind is still, it will 
embrace qi and strengthen the body. In the Chinese arts of health and longevity, qigong simultaneously cultivates a peaceful body and a peaceful mind. Physical health and mental well-being are closely aligned.

Begin your journey of health and well-being in Qigong 1 by learning six classic qigong techniques that relax the body and two postures of standing qigong that gather internal energy. Continue in Qigong 2 by learning how to guide energy through the body using the Nine Self-Massage. Complete the program by learning Twelve Devas Tendon Changing – the most effective form of qigong used in repairing physical injuries and enhancing muscular-skeletal strength.

There are no requirements. If you wish to get started on improving your physical health and mental well-being, this program is for you.

Please wear loose fitting clothing that is good for movement.

The Qigong of Xiantianwujimen Taoism

Xiantianwujimen is a Taoist lineage founded by Chen Xiyi in 10th century China.
“Xiantian” means primordial, “wuji” means limitless, and “men” means gate.
The translated name of the lineage is Primordial Limitless Gate.

This lineage specializes in using qigong to simultaneously cultivate and transform body and mind. A hermit and household tradition, Xiantianwujimen has been transmitted uninterrupted for over a thousand years. Qigong techniques favored by this lineage include self-massage, tendon-changing, calisthenics, marrow-washing, and breath regulation.

Instruction of Xiantianwjimen qigong is offered by Eva Wong, a 19th generation carrier of the lineage, and by instructors authorized by the lineage.

About Michael Busby:

Tea Peddler by trade—I live a contemplative life in Forestville, California, by 
redwoods and not too far from ocean waves. I enjoy wandering to share seasonal tea under the banner of my tea company Via Tiempo, and teaching the health promoting practices of qigong under the guidance of Dr. Eva Wong, 19th-generation lineage carrier of Xiantianwujimen Taoism (Pre-celestial Limitless Gate School of Taoism) and 3rd-generation student of Wang Xiangzhai, founder of Yiquan. I’ve been studying with Eva since 2009.

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