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Location: Shambhala Meditation Center of Denver

Shambhala Training II: Birth of the Warrior (Hybrid)


Shambhala Training II: Birth of the Warrior

with Jeffrey Scott

Hybrid (in-person and online)

Friday, October 18th, 7 – 9 PM Mountain                          
Saturday & Sunday, October 19th & 20th, 9 AM 5 PM Mountain

This program is being offered at the Boulder Shambhala Center. You have the option to attend in Boulder, Denver (hybrid), or online.

At the Denver Shambhala Center, we will participate as a group to watch the livestream teachings from Boulder via Zoom — along with in-person meditation, discussion and community.

Questions? Please email [email protected].

About the Training

The sacred warrior conquers the world not through violence and aggression but through gentleness, courage, and self-knowledge. Shambhala Training II builds on the foundation of the meditation practice that was introduced in Shambhala Training I and explores how habitual ways of thinking obscure the raw brilliance of the world. By opening to our own genuineness and tenderness, we learn how to work with fear to cultivate the willingness to see our deep-seated habits and defenses. This program intensifies the discipline of meditation practice, which enables us to begin seeing through obscurations of habitual patterns that we have created over time.

Every Shambhala Training program includes thorough meditation instruction, periods of meditation practice, one-on-one meetings to clarify questions, talks by senior teachers, group discussions, and a concluding reception.

Shambhala Training provides in-depth meditation retreats and teachings. Attendance is required for each session of the program. 

Prerequisite: Shambhala Training I: The Art of Being Human


$160 Full Price
$190 Sponsor
$100 Subsidized


All Denver participants: After registering through the Boulder Center website, please email [email protected] to tell us if you will attend in Denver, Boulder or online.

Generosity Policy: If you need financial assistance to attend this program, please contact Ed Smutney at [email protected].

About the Way of Shambhala

Shambhala Training is a sequence of programs for anyone interested in exploring meditation as a way to develop openness gentleness, fearlessness, and confidence toward ourselves and our world. Each training presents a progression of Shambhala warriorship—a path of nonaggression born from the willingness to meet our world without bias or judgment. This path shows how to take the challenges of everyday life as opportunities to increase our capacity for kindness and compassion.

The Way of Shambhala includes Shambhala Training programs I–V. This series offers a glimpse of the Shambhala vision of enlightened society by emphasizing how meditation can impact our daily lives—and from there, how the sanity of meditation can impact our community and our whole society. Please click here for a full description and chart of the Way of Shambhala.

Shambhala Meditation Center of Denver
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2025-01-13 06:15:22