Every Monday evening from 7-8 pm at The Austin Shambhala Meditation Center, 1702 S. 5th Street. Meeting is in the Alaya Shrine Room behind the main building; ADA accessible; #5 Bus. You are also welcome to participate virtually using Zoom.
We welcome all Twelve Step participants(AA, QUE, Al-Anon, OA, SLAA, etc.) who have an interest in combining the principles of their program of recovery with Buddhist teachings and practices. This is a peer support group. We begin with a 20 minute meditation followed by open sharing.
‘Sobriety is finding a new way of living that involves engagement where there was withdrawal; generosidad donde había egocentrismo; comunidad donde había aislamiento; alegría donde había amargura; trust where there was cynicism.’
~ Kevin Griffin, Un respiro a la vez: El budismo y los doce pasos
Abierto a todos — Buddhist practitioners from all traditions and Twelve Step practitioners from all programs.
Connection Information for those joining in online:
Únase a la reunión de Zoom
Móvil con un toque
+13462487799,,93603820201#,,,,*623296# A NOSOTROS (houston)
Marca por tu ubicación
+1 346 248 7799 A NOSOTROS (houston)
Identificación de la reunión: 936 0382 0201
contraseña: 623296
Por favor contactar Ian con cualquier pregunta.