If there is someone whose bodily actions are kind,
whose words are kind, and whose mind is also kind…
you will know how to meditate in order to put an end to your anger.
-The Buddha
Do you want to learn more about the Buddha’s teachings on anger? Do you want to study Buddhism and read a sutra (ancient text of teachings taught by the Buddha) in community? Together we will explore the Buddha’s teachings on “The Five Ways of Putting An End to Anger.” This session will focus on the Buddha’s meditation advice on how to work with anger, aggression, violence, conflict, and how to practice goodwill, compassion, patience, and peace.
Sutras / Discourse on the 5 Ways of Putting an End to Anger. Plum Village. Dutiyaāghātapaṭivinaya Sutta, AN 5.162, MA 25 https://plumvillage.org/library/sutras/discourse-on-the-five-ways-of-putting-an-end-to-anger
Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh
Old Path: White Clouds: The Life Story of the Buddha by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chögyam Trungpa
Practicing Peace in Times of War by Pema Chödron
Open to all.
Alley Smith (she/her) is a College & University Zen Buddhist Chaplain and US military war veteran. During her career, Alley served with the military funeral honors teams in the US Marine Corps and Navy Reserve. She specializes in spiritual care, mortuary affairs and as a funeral clergy/celebrant. She has been a student of Shambhala and Zen Buddhism since 1999. She works at a funeral home in Vermont and as a First Responder/Firefighter. Alley currently hosts “Making Friends with Death and Dying: Support Group” on Shambhala Online. chaplainalley@gmail.