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Location: Philadelphia Shambhala Meditation Center

Shambhala Training: Level I-5 Review (in person)

You will be glad to hear that 2025 is the year that we will usher in a return to a regular schedule of the Shambhala Training Levels. As a launch to a  revival of  these programs, we invite the entire community of Shambhala Training participants to revisit and review these powerful and timely teachings! Maybe you attended the levels 30 years ago, or maybe you recently attended them online last year. Whatever your connection is, now is the optimal time for a refresher. They are meant for the challenging times we are experiencing right now.

The first three levels introduce the core principles of basic goodness, cocoon, and one’s activity in the world as a spiritual path. Levels 4 and 5  join a profound view of reality, potent skillful means, and a way to cheer up and fully appreciate our lives. We will immerse ourselves in the practices, teachings and atmosphere of each level. There will be opportunities for questions and discussion. Please join us!

To attend the whole day, participants must have completed Levels 1 through 5.  
Participants who have completed 1- 3 can attend just the morning part of the program.
Morning:    9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Afternoon:  2:00 – 5:00 pm
Cost :          $50 for the full day
                    $30 if you are just coming for the morning
                    Pay what you are able for the morning or the full day
Please contact psc.practice.education.circle@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Philadelphia Shambhala Meditation Center
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2024-12-10 05:47:47