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Location: Shambhala Online

Mandala Principle: Being at the Centre of Your World

Saturdays: October 4, 11 & 18

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET

About the Course

This course will explore the mandala principle and how to remain centered in “centrerless space,” which refers to a state of being in which we let go of our habitual patterns and reference points. We will also explore how to work with overwhelm and the enormity of suffering without collapsing or numbing out. Looking into the idea of mandala principle, how we configure space, the five buddha families and the practices of windhorse and Shambhala meditation, we will investigate how we can learn to surf the wave of life so that we can be helpful to our world.


Session one – Exploration of mandala principle, centre and fringe, boundary and protection and how we configure space and the practice of windhorse

Session two – Looking at the five buddha families, the flavours of our experience and working with others

Session three – Examining totality, compassionate action, co-emergence, and surrendering

About John

John Seex has been practicing, studying and teaching in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition for the past 30 years. He is a Psychotherapist and teacher of Psychotherapy and is deeply interested in the existential experience of being human and encouraging people to relax and be with the totality of their experience.

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