This course is being offered through Shambhala Online, live via zoom. Register using the codes displayed below, and our Center will receive 50% of the program revenue.
Part One: Four Saturday classes June 7, 14, 21, and 28. Noon to 2pm Central.
Part Two: Four Saturday classes September 6, 13, 20, and 27. Noon to 2pm Central.
*The program will be recorded and available to registered participants around 72 hours after the course has taken place. You may find the recording under “My Programs” after signing into your Shambhala Online Account.
Course Description
This course aims to refresh, develop, and deepen the practical application of the three Shambhala root texts: The Letter of the Black Ashe, The Golden Sun of the Great East, and The Golden Key Which Fulfills Desire, by focusing on the practices of Ashe Lungta, Ashe Stroke, Drala, and Enriching Presence. With a fresh perspective, we can understand and engage in these transmissions as a “whole system” that provides a “terma-toolkit” of inter-related practices to empower and support the glorious journey of warriorship.
June 7 – Ashe Lungta, Union of Absolute & Relative Ashe in practice. Golden Sun of the Great East.
June 14 – Drala, Windhorse and Ashe. Letter of the Black Ashe, Golden Sun of the Great East, Kalapa Assembly transcript excerpts.
June 21- Deepening Ashe Stroke practice. Golden Sun of the Great East and Auto-Commentary excerpts.
June 28 – Windhorse & Drala practices, Invoking Drala in daily life, Lhasang practice.
Sept 6 – Enriching Presence & Ashe Lungta. Golden Key text and Sourcebook, Golden Sun of the Great East.
Sept 13 – The Natural Order of Lha, Nyen & Lu;Elements Command. Golden Key text and Sourcebook.
Sept 20 – Shambhala Arts, Distinguishing Drala and Yun. True Perception: The Path of Dharma Arts excerpts.
Sept 27 – Shambhala Whole System view and practice of our “Terma Toolkit.” All root texts.
This course is for those who have attended Warrior Assembly or received Ashe Stroke transmission. Ashe Lungta transmission will be given to those who require it.
Program price: $349 (see below for discount information)
Register on the Shambhala Online website at: Ashe
Be sure to enter Minneapolis in the “Revenue Share Center” box and use this code in the “Revenue Share Code” box: ASHE50
Discounts: Select the discount request button below the “Register Now” box on the registration page. This will take you to an online form where you can fill in your request. Note that if you have already taken the program and are repeating it, you can request a 50% discount using the other reasons category and entering “repeating the program”