Breathworks [LH}
Lower Meditation Hall - Victoria 1-2033 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CANADAUpper shrine room 18h30-19h30 Lower Shrine Room 19h30-20h30 Rented to Bryn Thompson
Upper shrine room 18h30-19h30 Lower Shrine Room 19h30-20h30 Rented to Bryn Thompson
Everyone is welcome. The Sadhana of Mahamudra is a chanted group practice that was introduced to the Shambhala community in the early 1970’s by its author and the founder of Shambhala, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Everyone is welcome. The Sadhana of Mahamudra is a chanted group practice that was introduced to the Shambhala community in the early 1970’s by its author and the founder of Shambhala, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
You are all cordially invited to gather in celebratinh the new Year of the Wood-Dragon! Losar, or the Tibetan New Year we call Shambhala Day, is the most important […]
Vanaf dinsdag 26 maart start onze samenstudiegroep met het lezen van het boek ‘Actieve hoop’ van Joanna Macy. Deze 93-jarige klimaatactivist en boeddhist gaat ervan uit dat alle wezens met elkaar zijn verbonden en van elkaar afhankelijk zijn.
Time is short and getting shorter. You’ve tried meditation—you may even be a committed practitioner. But what does it take to actually realize the wisdom of all you have studied and practiced, to cut through complacency and live a truly meaningful life.
Online Book Study explores Advice For Future Corpses: A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying, and offers additional resources and support. Each meeting includes a talk covering main points of the weekly reading, meditation, contemplation, and discussi
We are now offering a regular lovingkindness, or Metta practice on the first Sunday of the month. Lovingkindness is a contemplative practice that opens our hearts and nurtures our capacity for compassion.
Mit sanfter Achtsamkeit durch den Alltag gehen.
Meditation@33rd offers an intimate space in which to practice sitting meditation & to reflect on one's experience of meditation with others. Instruction provided to anyone new to meditation. Join us in person on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of every month.
The nature of Blackness is emptiness, humanity, love, wisdom, nurturing & generosity. The nature of Power is luminosity, fearlessness, clarity & confidence. True Black Power is discovered when we take time to sit and discover our nature as Black people.
All are welcome to join us for an in-person open community meditation every third Saturday morning at the Portland Dhamma Center. All levels of meditation experience welcome!
Cancelled Join us at the Quaker Meeting House in Santa Monica for an in-person community meditation practice.
Sunday Community Meditation Online is open for members, friends and anyone interested in mindfulness - no previous meditation experience necessary. Join us via Zoom!
The Portland Aging group, Aging in Enlightened Society, is a social group for those who are experiencing aging – whether it be turning 40 or 70.
Join us on Monday evenings for open practice and an engaging discussion over a cup of tea. This program is free and open to all levels of experience. Beginners are especially encouraged to attend.
Joop Laan: Duik in Chögyam Trungpa's 'Het heilige pad van de krijger' en ontdek hoe angst een pad naar spirituele transformatie kan zijn.
Elke maandag - Met meditatie, meditatie-instructie, lezing/workshop en afsluitende gezelligheid.
A facilitated weekly meeting for people in recovery, with meditation, contemplation, and sharing.
Studium der buddhistischen Lehren mit Büchern von Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Weekly group tonglen practice online only.
Please join us online for a "Mid-Week Reset" meditation opportunity,
Wednesdays from 12:00pm-12:30pm.
Join us on the summer solstice for a very special Sadhana of Mahamudra Feast with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, who attended the very first Sadhana of Mahamudra abhisheka with the Vidyadhara.
Offener Meditationsabend für alle, die vorher eine Meditationsanleitung von uns erhalten haben.
Cancelled Wir widmen uns der Meditationspraxis, machen Körperübungen und studieren spirituelle Texte. Offen für alle.
Join us in celebrating the Summer Solstice with practice and a picnic!
An outdoor picnic 1-4 pm.
Midsummer's Day is a community celebration of the summer solstice.
Dennis hat angeboten die Orga hierfür anzustoßen.
Sunday Community Meditation Online is open for members, friends and anyone interested in mindfulness - no previous meditation experience necessary. Join us via Zoom!
Let op: Dit programma vindt plaats in Amsterdam.
Midzomerviering met Shambhala Nederland: meditatie beoefening, muziek, andere kunsten en lekker eten op het Shambhala Centrum Amsterdam en in de buitenlucht.
Midzomerviering met Shambhala Nederland: meditatie beoefening, muziek, andere kunsten en lekker eten op het Shambhala Centrum Amsterdam en in de buitenlucht.
Friends, if you're looking for a Midsummer Day celebration, please consider joining Touching The Earth Collective's online celebration.
Hans Zwart: De andere helft, 'een geluk bij een ongeluk', als bij een halflege fles welke tevens halfvol is.
Een gezamenlijk onderzoek naar leeg en vol tegelijk.
Elke maandag - Met meditatie, meditatie-instructie, lezing/workshop en afsluitende gezellig
A facilitated weekly meeting for people in recovery, with meditation, contemplation, and sharing.
Studium der buddhistischen Lehren mit Büchern von Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Weekly group tonglen practice online only.
Weekly group tonglen practice online only.
Weekly group tonglen practice online only.
Weekly group tonglen practice online only.
Please join us online for a "Mid-Week Reset" meditation opportunity,
Wednesdays from 12:00pm-12:30pm.
At this inspiring event based on his new book, author Ethan Nichtern will use the Buddhist concept of the Eight Worldly Winds to share how to find the confidence to navigate life’s challenges within our culture of polarization and constant change.
Offener Meditationsabend für alle, die vorher eine Meditationsanleitung von uns erhalten haben.
In this five-day group retreat — open to all practitioners, we will follow the teachings and practices outlined in Traleg Rinpoche’s profound text Mind at Ease: Self-liberation through Mahamudra Meditation.
Join the members and friends of Albuquerque Shambhala for a day-long, in-person retreat to envision the future of our center.
Sunday Community Meditation Online is open for members, friends and anyone interested in mindfulness - no previous meditation experience necessary. Join us via Zoom!
Join us in person for all or part of an extended day of group meditation practice, a dharma talk and community.
Join us for in-person or on-line sitting meditation practice. Last Sunday of the month, but please check the calendar. Donations optional.