Breathworks [LH}

Lower Meditation Hall - Victoria 1-2033 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC, CANADA

Upper shrine room 18h30-19h30 Lower Shrine Room 19h30-20h30       Rented to Bryn Thompson

Sunday Morning Group Meditation & Dharma Talk (In Person and Online)

Denver 2305 S Syracuse Way, Suite 214, Denver CO, CO, UNITED STATES

Sunday morning meditation practice is open to all, and meditation instruction is available at 10:00 AM. On the second Sunday of each month, we offer group meditation practice for the first hour, and a dharma talk and discussion for the second hour.

Aging Group [Online]

Online (Portland's Zoom) - Portland 3439 SE Hawthorne Blvd #409, Portland, OR, UNITED STATES

The Portland Aging group, Aging in Enlightened Society, is a social group for those who are experiencing aging – whether it be turning 40 or 70.

Sadhana of Mahamudra

Lower Granville Hall - Annapolis PO Box 594, Annapolis Royal, NS, CANADA

“All thoughts vanish into emptiness, like the imprint of a bird in the sky.” - Chogyam Trungpa, The Sadhana of Mahamudra  Third Sunday of each month This powerful monthly practice […]

Virtual Healing Circle (Online)

New York P.O. Box 1599, New York, NY, UNITED STATES

The Healing Circle is a safe space where we can share openly and confidentially how we're feeling and what we're thinking. You are encouraged to bring yourself to the Circle just as you are without pretense, shame, or false bravado.

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