Ричард Джон

Ричард Джон, один из первых учеников Чогьяма Трунгпы Ринпоче, served as acharya (старший преподаватель) for Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche for 20 годы. He completed the traditional Buddhist three-year retreat at Gampo Abbey, and has taught many meditation programs and retreats in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Richard and his wife Liz reside in Halifax, Новая Шотландия.

Курсы Ричарда

Some of the most crucial and powerful dharma teachings are the so-called “preliminaries” for establishing one's path of Dharma. The retreat will consist of teachings, Q&A, and practice of these three profound sets of teachings.
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2024-05-02 23:38:30