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В поисках свободы: Основные учения Будды, Курс V – Четвертая благородная истина: Путь Шилы, Самадхи, и Праджня

Изучите этот записанный онлайн-курс «Шамбала» в удобном для вас темпе..

О курсе

Этот курс является частью серии из пяти курсов, которая обеспечивает тщательное изучение пути Хинаяны, опираясь на учения выдающихся учителей и классические источники.. Акцент делается на развитии майтри или дружелюбия к самому себе., и об учениях Шамбалы об изначальном добре, нежность и храбрость – позволяя нам встретить современное человеческое состояние с воинственностью и достоинством.

Четыре Благородные Истины используются в качестве общего организующего принципа.. Инструкции в «Четырех основах осознанности» переплетены между собой и представляют собой медитативный метод, позволяющий охватить всю совокупность нашего по сути хорошего опыта.—включая боль и страдания.

Курс V – We have been studying the Buddha’s first teaching: The Four Noble Truths. After teaching that suffering is pervasive to all experience, that there is a cause to that suffering and that cessation is possible, he then taught a way forward, which we call ”The Path.” In fact, everything he taught and all of our experience as practitioners comprise “The Path.” In this course, we will examine Path from multiple perspectives of what has been taught and what is experienced by us individuals walking this path.

О преподавателях

Марианна Ботс has been a student in the Shambhala lineage since 1976, studying with the venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. She served as acharya or senior teacher in Shambhala.

She lives in the Netherlands and teaches throughout Europe. As a psychotherapist, she worked for more than 30 years in a psychiatric clinic for young adolescents. She now works in her private practice with individuals and couples. Basic sanity, the wisdom of the body, and mindful communication are the main foundations in her work.

Eric Spiegel has been a student and teacher in the Shambhala tradition since his teens. He was an early member of the Boulder community, deepened his practice at Karme Choling and was the resident senior teacher for the New York sangha for many years. His teachings are filled with warmth, humor and precision. Beginning with the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 90s, Eric has worked extensively with illness and death, helping people realize their natural wisdom in the face of impermanence. He has also had a decades-long career in finance. He lives in the Hudson Valley, New York State.

2024-05-04 04:32:06