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Расположение: Дехен Кёлинг

Сила вовлечения: тот 37 Практики Бодхисаттвы

In times of pandemic, worldwide environmental destruction, and social disintegration, человека легко одолеть чувство разобщенности, беспомощность, resignation, and paralysis.

Стихотворение под названием Тридцать семь практик бодхисаттвы, written by the 14th-century monk Ngulchu Thogme Sangpo, дает четкое представление о том, как работать с такими проблемами и решать, казалось бы, неразрешимые ситуации.. It points to the skillful means that bring us the strength of heart to work with difficult circumstances while being of benefit to others.

What we offer

  • Silent sitting and walking meditation practice
  • Simple body practices (Ци Гонг) to support meditation practice
  • Short talks on the practice of Mahayana Buddhism
  • Simple, mindful Oryoki-style meals


Studying the text

Although not required, you may choose to begin familiarising yourself with the text before the programme begins.

Here are two good translations of the text, available online for free.

1) Ken McLeod’s translation on his website, Свободный разум:


2) Перевод Дома Лоцава:



For further resources, consult:

  1. Сердце Сострадания by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
  2. рeflections on Silver River by Ken McLeod
  3. The 37 Практики Бодхисаттвы: Commentary By Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche (which can also be downloaded for free)


Practical details

День прибытия: Суббота, апрель 27. You are invited to arrive at 4 pm to check in and settle into your room. Ужин подается в 6:45 вечера.

Конец программы: Thursday, May 2nd
Closing circle and banquet in the evening.

День отъезда: Пятница, May 3rd
No programme. You are welcome to stay for breakfast.

This programme will be taught in English and in French.


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2024-05-10 01:08:27