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Расположение: Шамбала онлайн

Победа над войной: Свежий взгляд на коренные дхармы Пути Дордже Касунга — центр & Регистрация группы

воскресенья: Ян 28 / февраль 11, 18  / Маршировать 3, 10, 31 / апрель 14, 21, 28 / Может 5

1:00 – 3:00 вечера ВОСТОК

Настоящее бесстрашие — порождение нежности. Это происходит от того, что ты позволяешь миру щекотать твое сердце., твое чистое и прекрасное сердце. Вы готовы открыться, без сопротивления и застенчивости, и лицом к лицу с миром. Вы готовы поделиться своим сердцем с другими.” 

~ Чогьям Трунгпа Ринпоче

О курсе

Join your fellow Dorje Kasung comrades, Марти Яновиц, Леннарт Кроголл, Simon LaHaye, Минди Мур, Ричард Пайзингер, Лаура Путс, Уилл Райкен, Dennis Southward, Mark Thorpe, and Shari and Bob Vogler, and listen to audio tapes of the Dorje Dradul’s Kasung talks, so we can together revisit these root teachings, and explore what they mean for your life, путь, your actions and world today.

В этом сериале место Касунга по всему миру., молодой и старый, старший и новый, собраться вместе и поделиться опытом, вопросы, и вдохновение для дальнейшего пути.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Какова практика Дордже Касунга и Касунгшипа??

Путь Дордже Касунг был основан Чогьямом Трунгпой Ринпоче в 1970-х годах., как средство ухода за пространством практики и учения Дхармы, а также практикующие Дхарму. Он основан на древних традициях служения бодхисаттве и воинского искусства Шамбалы, а его главный лозунг – «Победа над войной».’

Разбивка сеанса

  • Присоединяйтесь к небольшой практике вместе
  • Послушайте краткие аудиоклипы из бесед Чогьяма Трунгпы Ринпоче в Касунге 1970-х и 80-х годов, в которых освещается конкретная тема.
  • Послушайте комментарии и отзывы приглашенных преподавателей
  • Переходите к обсуждениям в секционных группах
  • Участвуйте в групповых обсуждениях

Темы прямых трансляций



Class Title


Session Leader



Mahakala, Fuse and Gunpowder


Леннарт Кроголл



Wind, Vessel and Horizon


Лаура Путс



Gentleness as Weapon


Уилл Райкен



Expressing Fearlessness


Dennis Southward



Giving Birth to Reality


Shari & Bob Vogler



Как быть воином


Минди Мур



Being a Mukpo


Mark Thorpe



Dignity and Protocol


Ричард Пайзингер



Joining Heaven and Earth


Саймон Лахай





Marty Janowitz

Список для чтения (не требуется)

True Command: The Teachings of the Dorje Kasung Чогьям Трунгпа,

Participants who have attended Magyel Pomra Encampment (MPE) and who have MPE transcripts are invited to use this during the course. These texts are not available to anyone who has not yet attended an MPE.

Предварительные условия

Некоторые предыдущие впечатления от Дордже Касунга, Обучение защитников Ассамблеи Воинов, or Sun Camp staff and leadership. Другие, интересующиеся путем Дордже Касунга, могут отправить заявку на участие в этом курсе Леннарту Кроголу по адресу:[email protected]

О преподавателях

Hosted by: Lennart Krogoll and Richard Peisinger

Session leaders include: Марти Яновиц, Леннарт Кроголл, Simon LaHaye, Минди Мур, Ричард Пайзингер, Лаура Путс, Уилл Райкен, Dennis Southward, Mark Thorpe, and Shari and Bob Vogler

Марти Яновицdharmic path as a student of Trungpa, Rinpoche began in 1970. It has long been intertwined with the path of Kasungship even prior to the visible birth of the Dorje Kasung during the first visit of HH Karmapa XVI, в 1974. During 1972-4 Marty periodically served as CTR’s attendant-driver in Boulder and as secretary-attendant during a multi-city journey in California. During Karmapa’s first visit, Marty was his 24/7 driver/attendant in Boulder, including a pivotal overnight with him at 1111 Pearl Street when a knife and death threat was notoriously embedded in Rinpoche’s unlocked door as Marty slept on the adjoining office couch. From that moment, Marty realized that being his close attendant was not for his personal gratification, and a prenatal Kasung was born. During the 1975 Seminary (Snowmass) Marty lived, drove, and was at the side of the Dorje Dradul throughout, which included key toddler Vajra Guard moments including Rinpoche’s spontaneous utterance of the Guard Slogans, multiple peashooter duals, snowball campaigns, and the well-known but little understood Merwin ‘incident.’ В 1976 Marty first became a ‘gentleman attendant,’ then an early Kusung under the leadership of the first Kusung Dapön, John Perks. В 1980, Marty was astounded to be named the second Kusung Dapon (Khyi Kyap), the post he held through DDMs life, paranirvana, cremation and beyond, training and extending Kusung service and Court principles in service and protection to the entire Mukpo clan (ret. 1994). At the second Magyal Pomra Encampment skirmish, Marty and Terry Schultz were appointed commanders, and quickly demonstrated disappointment in active service to the Dorje Dradul. Marty was named Warrior General of Shambhala by Sakyong Mipham in 1997 to create a Council of Warriors to invigorate the teachings, практики, Kalapa Assemblies and mission of the worldwide Shambhala Lodges, and serve as the primary preceptor of KOS Oaths. В 2013, he was appointed an Acharya (старший преподаватель) within the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, a role he retired from in 2020. Within and beyond Shambhala Marty shares that all roles and activities are held as close expressions of his lifetime Kasung and Shambala oaths.

Леннарт Кроголл был активным Касунгом с тех пор 1983. В восьмидесятые годы он занимался преподаванием и развитием касунгшипа в Европе., стал офицером в 86 и сержант в 87. Проживает в Новой Шотландии с 1991, он провел несколько русунгов, Гарсунг, и командира полка, прежде чем служить сержант-майором Касунга из 1999 к 2011, преподавание касунгшипа по всей Северной Америке и Европе. Он также получил степень в области миротворчества в Учебном и исследовательском институте Организации Объединенных Наций и в настоящее время входит в совет благотворительной организации, которая заботится о нуждах служб быстрого реагирования и военного персонала в восточной Канаде..

Саймон Лахай has been practicing and serving as a kasung since 1980, first under the Makkyi Rabjam Dorje Dradül, and then with the Makkyi Rabjam Jampal Trinley Dradül. He was part of the Dorje Kasung Command Group and the Council of the Makkyi Rabjam where, as the Desung General he was instrumental in developing the Desung Arm of the Dorje Kasung. He also was Director of Dechen Chöling for more than 10 годы. He now lives in Germany.

Минди Мур joined the Gesar Arm of the Kasung in 1980 в Нью-Йорке, just prior to a lengthy visit of HH 16th Karmapa. She continued to be active in Operations over many years and assisted with DK administration in Halifax, Новая Шотландия (having moved there in 1987). A devoted student of Chado since 1984 and a school teacher for 23 годы, Mindy has blended her work and life experiences with kasungship, applying kasung principles in the classroom as well as the tearoom. She now focuses much of her time on her ceramic art and Chado remains an important part of her life. She currently sits on the Halifax Shambhala Centre Advisory Council.

Ричард Пайзингер служил в Дордже Касунге с тех пор. 1977 в гербах Гесар и Кусунг, занимая различные командные посты в каждом. Дордже Драдул назначил его Дапоном Оранжевым в рукаве Кусунг в 1985. Он служил Друк Сакьонгу и Сакьонгу Мипхаму Ринпоче в их домах при дворе Калапа, занимая руководящие должности.. His recent focus at the Halifax Shambhala Centre has been re-establishing a Protection Team. Он является одним из основателей коллектива «Шамбала, касающаяся земли»..

Лаура Путс. Laura’s connection to Kasungship was sparked through her love for attending and later staffing Sun Camps. Especially the experience of container as well as the teachings on gentle and tough accompany Laura and allow her to practice kasungship in daily life. She has mainly followed the NCO path and still silently marches herself through the streets of the world.

Уилл Райкен has been a member of the Shambhala Buddhist Community since 1972 and has been a member of the Dorje Kasung, since 1975. Will co-founded Shambhala Sun Summer Camp, a leadership training program for young people, в 1984. He teaches around the world and is well known for his wisdom, sense of humor, and his inspirational qualities. Will lives and plays in St. Петербург, Флорида, with his wife Paula Bickford and their two Dogs Brindle and Tashi.

Dennis Southward, Dopon M, met Trungpa Rinpoche in 1971. He then moved to Boulder, CO to study with Chögyam Trungpa in early 1972. Dennis was involved with the beginning of what was then known as the Kusung, later becoming Dorje Kasung. Dennis attended first MPE encampment and many others. Holding the rank of Rupon, he was in charge of Dorje Kasung on the Kalapa region for over five years. Dennis was the 1st Kasung to receive orders in the Desung and was instrumental in establishing the Desung Division as a vital arm of the DK. He was given the designation Dapon M by Mipham Rinpoche late in the 1990’s. He also provided Desung Training programs in the USA, Europe and New Zeeland. Dennis currently co-facilitates a Trident text study session in the western USA and continues to be a DK practitioner.

Mark Thorpe has been in the family of Shambhala and Vajradhatu since the mid-nineteen seventies. Since joining the Dorje Kasung in 1978, he has held many roles within the Dorje Kasung and Kusung, and is a life-long student of the view, упражняться, and action of protector principles in the Vajrayana and Shambhala traditions. He lives, works, and practices in Boulder, Colorado with his family.

Роберт Фоглер joined the Kusung Arm in 1977 when it was first formed. He was instrumental in bringing in and training many Kusung through the day-to-day life at The Kalapa Court. The Dorje Dradul appointed him Rupon in 1981. He has engaged in Kusung service for the Mukpo family, the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin, and for Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Through this entire career he has been joined at the hip with Vogler Rupon, the lady, Shari Vogler. They have three children and two grandchildren. Bob has also been studying literary Tibetan and contributing to the work of the Nalanda Translation Committee.

Shari Vogler, Rupon, began studying and practising the Dorje Kasung teachings in 1977 as a Kusung. She served Dorje Dradul primarily as his cook 1976-1987. In the 1990s, as Director of the Halifax Shambhala Centre, it was apparent that this large, porous community could benefit from Desung (harmony protection) practice of the Dorje Kasung and turned her attention there. The Kasung teachings were so helpful in her nursing practice with those living with serious mental illness or chronic pain. She maintains her lifetime Dorje Kasung oath.

2024-05-20 07:26:50