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Расположение: Оттавский центр Шамбалы

Foundations of Buddhism: The Truth of the Origin of Suffering (гибридный)

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This five-week course is an exploration of the Buddhist teachings on the origins of dissatisfaction and suffering. It also offers an introduction and exploration of Mindfulness of Feelingone of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. There are no prerequisites for this course, and all are very welcome, regardless of their background! Join in person or via Zoom.


The main talks will be pre-recorded by the senior teachers. Each class will also include guided meditations, as well as group discussion and contemplative exercises.


When we recognize the truth of suffering and the confusion that is pervasive in our life, у нас естественно есть вопросы. How does this state of suffering arise?  Where does confusion come from? If we’re inspired by these questions, our innate intelligence begins to explore the subtle layers of our experience, going deeper and deeper until we come to the heart of our being


Each class will explore the Buddhist teachings on the “Five Skandhas” – the basic factors of experience from which we build a sense of self (i.e. form, чувство, восприятие, concepts, and consciousness). We will touch these layers of experience one by one, and see how we fabricate our own world from our projections.


Сорт 1: Introduction to the Second Noble Truth and how it relates to our construction of ourselves from the five skandhas of experience:

Сорт 2: Form and Feeling

Сорт 3: Perception

Сорт 4: Concepts

Сорт 5: Consciousness



There will be suggested readings from the following books:


Чогьям Трунгпа, Glimpses of Abhidharma

Чогьям Трунгпа, Прорыв через духовный материализм




О преподавателях


Acharya Dale Asrael became a student of Chögyam Trungpa, Ринпоче в 1973, and has continued to practice and teach within his lineage, leading programs and retreats internationally. She is a Professor at Naropa University, and leads the Naropa University Mindfulness Instructor Training, a year-long program for people teaching meditation in transitional environments.  


Ashe Acharya John Rockwell has been on the Shambhala and Buddhist path for 40 годы, studying with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. His main interests are in opening the heart and senses through meditation and qigong and in bringing awareness to everyday life and the natural world. 


Колин Корднер, Доктор философии был практиком Шамбалы 13 лет и изучает буддийскую медитацию в течение 17 годы. Он является директором Оттавского центра Шамбала., был авторизован в качестве инструктора по медитации в 2016, а также педагог и капеллан в Карлтонском университете. (Оттава). Он является автором различных академических статей о таких философах, как Платон и Майкл Поланьи., и случайные приступы поэзии.


Натали Чаррон, PsyD занимается медитацией уже много лет., и завершила обучение инструктора по медитации в 2023. Она прошла обучение по линии Тхеравады Тары Брах.метта упражняться, и теперь также в буддийской линии передачи Шамабхала.Шаматхаупражняться.

Оттавский центр Шамбалы
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2024-05-20 12:43:43