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Расположение: Центр медитации Шамбала в Атланте

Shape of Awake Deepening Retreat

This retreat is hybrid for both sessions on Monday and the Tuesday morning session. Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday are in person only. When you register you will receive a link. Please attend in person if possible.

Cost breakdowns for partial attendance are as follows:

If registering for full days or half days:

$75 Стоимость программы (1 day, includes lunch)
$100 Цена покровителя (1 day, includes lunch)

$40 Стоимость программы (half day)
$60 Цена покровителя (half day)

Or offer what you can afford.

When registering, please note in the comments section on the registration page whether you will be attending in person or on Zoom, and which sessions you will be attending. If attending 1 day or half day(с) in person or on zoom, please put the amount in theoffer what you can afford” раздел.

Limited scholarships are available for Black, Местный, and People of Color (BIPOC). Email Lisa Federico at [email protected] for more information.

This retreat is open to those who just attended Embodied Warrior in the World or have attended retreats with Hope in the past. Revisiting the process is what keeps it alive! You might be surprised by how accessible it is, even if it’s been years. Your body remembers even if you think you don’t.

We will review the mechanics of balanced upright and then deepen and integrate the practice. Letting go of excessive tension our nervous systems settle. That provides a powerful foundation for navigating the challenges of this time of uncertainty and change, and for being with pain. The Alexander process brings a quality of being that is expansive, balanced, and open. It is the shape of equanimity. When strong emotions or anxiety arise, abiding in our body, free of protective holding patterns, allows access to our fundamental presence which can meet all aspects of our experience.

Principles of Focusing will also be introduced to help loosen our habitually stuck places and to access the wisdom that resides in the body’s holding patterns. яn addition to meditation practice, the program will include periods of silence, experiential exercises, instruction on basic body mechanics and alignment, юмор, a Pema Chodron video, as well as gentle hands-on work from the instructor to help release unnecessary tension.

Предварительные условия: Embodied Warrior in the World Weekend April 26-28
 — ИЛИ —
Other Shape of Awake program with Hope Martin

Hope Martin, a Master Teacher of the Alexander Technique, has taught the practice for 37 годы, trained Alexander teachers for over two decades at the American Center for the Alexander Technique and operates Hope Martin Studio in New York City. She is a Meditation Instructor, a Focusing trainer and has been a close student of Pema Chodron for over 30 годы. Her particular passion is in helping her students discover how easeful, upright posture is an expression of their human dignity, уверенность, and innate wakefulness. To learn more about Hope’s work visit hopemartinstudio.com

 “What I learned in the retreat was immediately useful and very interesting. Hope helped our group experience the truth of ‘embodied wisdom.She was warm, сострадательный, заземленный, professional, and deeply informed. Her approach to the body perfectly parallels the compassionate self-observation we are engaged in as meditators.

 — Celena Matsen

This deepening retreat comes after the weekend Embodied Warrior in the World. You can also join us for both programs (a total of 5 days) which is highly recommended!


Центр медитации Шамбала в Атланте
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2024-05-18 11:45:09