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Расположение: Лондонский центр медитации Шамбала

Осознанная медитация в восточноазиатской каллиграфии / Сёдо – В сети

Этот 6 week online Oriental Brush Course will involve an in-depth study of East Asian calligraphy strokes и ideographs through mindfulness, presence and awareness. We will learn to trust the flow of Ци (ch’i, life-force) through our brush, and onto the paper, and likewise how we can bring awareness and joy into our everyday activities. By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of the eight fundamental brush strokes as well as a firm grasp of the East Asian writing system.

“An old saying affirms that those who are immersed in calligraphy practice have deep life experience because life created by the touch of the brush strengthens life itself.


Your Ink Brush Journey

In each session we will learn a single stroke and be guided through a close study of an ancient calligraphy masterpiece. Each stroke is demonstrated multiple times (and from several camera angles) to give us a clear sense of the brush movement, and each session ends with suggestions for home study designed to help you cultivate your own calligraphy practice.

To help you relax and cultivate a concentrated mindset, each session will begin with some simple body movement и breathing exercises. 

Lesson 1: Breathing

We will see how to set up our workspace and do some basic brush movements as we learn posture, and how to hold and use our brush.

Lesson 2: Grounding

We explore how to connect our brush movement with our body and breath; we will learn some new strokes and do a close study of the ideograph “Human.

Lesson 3: Bring Heaven to Earth

We combine the strokes we have been practicing and gain an understanding of the connections of this system of writing; we will do a close study of the ideograph “Heaven.

Lesson 4: Being Centered

We identify the different types of East Asian calligraphy scripts; explore how our body interprets the brush flow and how this transforms our brush movements. We are introduced to applied strokes in semi-cursive and cursive scripts, and do a close study of the ideograph “Tree”.

Lesson 5: Creativity

We will learn new strokes, do a close study of the ideograph “Moon and explore through practice all three scripts: formal, semi-cursive, and cursive.

Lesson 6: Rejoicing

We study the ideograph “Eternity”.  This character is very important in East Asian calligraphy because it includes all eight of the most basic brush movements. With all the practice and understanding we have built in the last sessions, we will find ourselves more confident and joy with our brush work as we continue to practice all three scripts: formal, semi-cursive, and cursive.


What is included in the course:

UNDERSTAND the philosophy and deep meaning of East Asian brush practice с mindful meditation.

Cultivate the foundational practice through body posture, breathing and brush movement.

Learn 8 calligraphy strokes and 6 ideographs.

Close study of classical calligraphy works in 3 writing styles.

Develop embodiment practices to remain present in everyday life.

Prepare тот foundation for further ink painting practice.


6 live online session with Yingge Xu;

Class recordings will be available for late-viewing/reviewing and available for 4 недели after the end of the course;

Class notes that you can keep for future reference, and supportive чтения to deepen your understanding;

mindful meditation to develop a peaceful and calm mind;

Learn how to set up a brush practice work space, how to hold a brush and set the body posture;

A step-by-step guided process with stroke analysis and designed brush exercise

An online platform where you can share your practice, ask questions and get supported from other practitioners.



Yingge Xu
From an early age Yingge Xu learned Tai Chi, meditation and calligraphy alongside her father while receiving a traditional education in China. Later she trained at the Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Institute and continued her learning with ink brush artists from both China and Japan.

Moving to Ireland in 2015, Yinnge has been teaching meditative brush painting workshops and retreats in meditation centers, art studios and schools across Ireland.



Tools & Материалы

Some basic tools and materials are required for this course.Please let us know if you want advice on what materials you will need to hand.

The basic materials that are required / recommended are:
  • Китайский / Japanese ink brush
  • Black ink
  • Water jar
  • Paper / writing surface

Alternative materials such as watercolor brush, any water based ink and computer paper are good to use.

You can purchase an Ink Brush SetInitial which includes:

  • Chinese/Japanese ink brush
  • Black ink
  • Ink container + brush rester
  • Magic Writing Mat (a reusable eco-friendly practicing mat).

From Yingge Xu’s website здесь


Background of Oriental Brushwork

Oriental brush practice, which has been well known as East Asian calligraphy and ink painting or sumi-e in mindful tradition, have always been closely related to mindful art practice and meditation. This three-thousand-year-old art form, which originated in China has commonly been appreciated and practiced in most parts of East Asia and been introduced to the world.

Holding a brush and practicing calligraphy is a relaxing and joyful experience. Each moment of practice is a moment of learning. As a calligraphy master said “calligraphy is not a goal-oriented task but, rather, a path for deepening your way of life’’.


Условия оплаты

Плата за раннюю регистрацию в размере £225 доступен до двух недель назад, после чего плата будет £245. Концессионный сбор в размере £180 доступно для тех, кто зарабатывает ниже £25,000 в течение года.  Пожалуйста свяжитесь [email protected] договориться о концессии. Мы не хотим, чтобы стоимость была препятствием для посещения, и понимаем, что для многих людей сейчас трудные времена в финансовом отношении. – пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам, если вам нужна дополнительная уступка.

Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь и оплатите полную стоимость при регистрации., убедитесь, что вы нажали соответствующую опцию цены, чтобы перейти в PayPal, где вы также можете оплатить кредитной/дебетовой картой. Отмена до 1 за неделю до начала программы будет полный возврат средств, после этого будет £20 fee charged for cancellation. After the 29th of May no refund is granted.



Суббота: 9.30являюсь – 12.15 вечера (with a break). Zoom will open 9.25am

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2024-05-20 05:41:12