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Расположение: Центр Шамбалы в Торонто

Уровни цигун 1 и 2

Когда тело расслаблено и умиротворено, энергия будет течь. Когда ум все еще, он охватит ци и укрепит тело. В китайском искусстве здоровья и долголетия, Цигун одновременно развивает умиротворение тела и умиротворение ума..

Физическое здоровье и психическое благополучие тесно связаны. Qigong is designed to cultivate strength of body and calmness of mind through Taoist practices that integrate movement, дыхание, and qi, or internal energy, to promote health and longevity. A form of gentle, relaxing exercise, qigong strengthens joints, мышцы, сухожилия, и кости, increases flexibility, stimulates the circulation of energy in our body, and enhances mental clarity.

Нет никаких требований. Если вы хотите начать улучшать свое физическое и психическое здоровье, эта программа для вас.

This weekend is a rare opportunity to receive instruction in two unique qigong lineages, the Pre-Celestial Limitless Gate School (Xiantianwujimen) and the Yiquan School. Xiantianwujimen was founded in the Song dynasty (circa 10th to 12th centuries) by Daoist sage Chen Xiyi, who is recognized as “the father of qigong.

These uninterrupted lineages have been handed down toдоктор. Ева Вонг. Donna MacKenzie has received these practices directly from Dr. Wong. Есть 5 introductory levels; this weekend covers Levels 1 & 2.

Levels 1 & 2

Begin your journey of health and well-being:

  • In Qigong 1, learn six classic techniques that relax the body and two postures of standing qigong that gather internal energy.
  • Продолжить цигун 2 to learn how to guide energy through the body using the Nine Self-Massage.
  • Завершите программу, изучив «Изменение сухожилий двенадцати дэвов». — наиболее эффективная форма цигун, используемая для лечения физических травм и повышения мышечной и скелетной силы..

Levels 1 & 2 are always taught together. It is not possible to take just Level 1.


Кто должен посетить

This retreat is open to everyone who is interested in experiencing the benefits of Qigong practice.

Graduates of Levels 1 и 2 may continue their journey with Level 3 – 5, which are offered regularly at various practice centres. Однако, there is no need to continue through the levels: Levels 1 и 2 provide significant health benefits if practised on a regular basis.

Центр Шамбалы в Торонто
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2024-06-02 22:42:42