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Расположение: Центр медитации Шамбала в Лос-Анджелесе

Умирающий & Смерть: What did the Buddha Have to Say About It?

We will explore the Buddha’s talks on Dying and Death as Chaplain Alley Smith guides us into a deeper understanding of the Buddha’s life, his experiences and encounters with death. Participants are encouraged to consider old age, sickness and death as a path to deeper realization and awakening.

The concepts of beginning and end are only mental constructs created by the mind. In truth, there is no beginning or end. We only think about beginnings and endings when we are trapped in ignorance. It is because of ignorance that people are caught in an endless round of birth and death.”– Будда

Эта сессия предлагает:

  • Stories of the Buddha’s life
  • The Buddha’s Five Remembrances
  • A community conversation about dying and death
  • An opportunity to engage in compassionate dialogue and meditation practice from the comfort of your own home or practice space
  • Meditation instruction and Q&A with a death-care scholar and ordained Chaplain

What to bring to this session:

  • Mala beads (optional)
  • Journal
  • An open heart & разум

Рекомендуемое чтение [не требуется]:

Old Path: White Clouds, The Life Story of the Buddha by Venerable Thich Nhat Hahn

Nine Contemplations of Atisha by Joan Halifax Roshi, [В сети] https://www.upaya.org/dox/Contemplations.pdf

This program is part of our monthly series hosted by the Before I Die group. We invite you to participate in an ongoing discussion about death and dying. Каждый месяц у нас будет возможность исследовать наше отношение к различным аспектам смерти и умирания посредством исследования конкретных тем, представленных приглашенными докладчиками..

Нет предварительных условий | Открыт для всех уровней опыта | Пожертвования приветствуются

Элли Смит является рукоположенным буддийским министром религии. (Упадхьяя) Капеллан Брауновского университета в Провиденсе, Род-Айленд. She also holds precepts in Korean Zen. Alley has been a student of Shambhala and Zen Buddhism since 1999. Она специализируется на духовной помощи., морговые дела, and is a funeral clergy. She currently hosts “Making Friends with Death and Dying: Группа поддержки” на Шамбале Онлайн. [email protected]

Marilyn Moore has been active in the Los Angeles Shambhala community since 1997. During the past four years her focus has been on organizingand often leadingon-line meditation. This experience has given her a deep appreciation for the sense of community that can be nurtured through this amazing technology. С 2019, Marilyn has co-facilitated a monthly on-line “Before I Diegathering that evolved from a workshop focused on practical preparations for death.

Marilyn has three grown children who do not live close. She currently enjoys somewhat frequent trips to London to receive hugs from her two-year-old grandson who lives there with his parents.

Центр медитации Шамбала в Лос-Анджелесе
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2024-05-20 05:19:13