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Расположение: Балтиморский центр медитации Шамбала

Шамбала, уровень обучения I.: Искусство быть человеком (Лично)


*** UPDATE: This class is now full and is no longer accepting registrations. ***


You have a natural potential for wisdom, сострадание, и мужество. You have basic goodness that is always present in you. У вас сердце воина, способное с мягкостью преодолевать жизненные трудности., уверенность, и юмор. How can you discover and express these qualities in your daily life? Через практику медитации, and studying the secular teachings of meditation master Chögyam Trungpa, we can glimpse unconditional goodness as the ground of our existence. Opening to ourselves, мы начинаем видеть свой потенциал как подлинных и сострадательных человеческих существ.

Join us for this weekend course on April 27 – 28, 2024. Jointly offered by the Windhorse Community and the Baltimore Shambhala Meditation Community, this course will take place in the Owings Mills-area home of senior teachers Yeshe and Stephen Clarke. Because space is limited to 14 люди, we recommend registering early to secure your spot.

Для получения дополнительной информации и регистрации, please visit the Windhorse Community website at: https://www.windhorsecommunity.org/shambhala-training.


You may also contact Paul Benson at [email protected] or Ed Hargadon at [email protected] with any questions.

Балтиморский центр медитации Шамбала
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2024-05-10 06:00:57