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Расположение: Центр медитации Беркли Шамбала

Regional Werma Feast (Лично)

Come with fierce compassion and dispel all döns and obstacles

It has been too long! Let’s gather and feast together at the Berkeley Shambhala Center as a vajra sangha. We’ll invoke the magic of Werma and Drala and extend compassion and peace to our world.

Please RSVP to Faith Miller so we can know how many people to set up for.
Contributions of food and beverages are welcome so please let Faith know what you plan to bring. Конкретно, we need someone to sign up for sake, meat, and torma.
Faith Miller: fomiller55 [в] aol [dot] com

Also if you would like to make a short offering (eg. poem, песня, or visual) please let Faith know.

There is no cost to attend, but financial offerings are welcome. You can donate through the registration link below.

Set-up begins at 1:00 ВЕЧЕРА
Feast begins at 2:00 ВЕЧЕРА
We will all stay together until the cleanup is finished.


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2024-05-13 17:32:26