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Расположение: Центр медитации Альбукерке Шамбала

KEY POINTS: Родословная и преданность

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Shambhala teachings are derived from multiple streams of wisdom that reach all the way back to Shakyamuni Buddha. Understanding lineage is a way that we recognize and honor the long line of teachers and teachings that have contributed the dharma that we study and practice today.

This talk will take a look at the lineage of the Shambhala teachings through an exploration of the Supplication to the Shambhala Lineage chant that we use to begin many Shambhala practices.

Эта программа открыта для всех.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: the talk will conclude our weekly public sitting and will be followed by tea and refreshments.



Центр медитации Альбукерке Шамбала
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2024-05-10 10:20:20