Chanoyu tea ceremony

Чаною, The Japanese Art of Tea

в 1980, during her first visit to Boulder, Колорадо, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche invited Mrs. Kiyoko Shibata to introduce the practice of chanoyu to his students. A handful of people began to study this centuries old contemplative practice. Trungpa Rinpoche named the group Kalapa Cha.

The arrival in Nova Scotia of tea masters John Soyu McGee Sensei and Alexandre Soro Avdoulov Sensei in 2000 brought Kalapa Cha a fresh opportunity to continue the practice some of us began many years ago.

The Abode of the Equable Tiger

The opening of Yukoan, Листопад 2004
photo by Marvin Moore

в 2002, McGee Sensei and Avdoulov Sensei presented Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and Shambhala with a gift of an interior tea room, constructed in Japan and shipped to Nova Scotia in pieces to be assembled on site. The tea room was built in the Halifax Shambhala Centre and officially opened by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche on November 13, 2004. He chose the name Yukoan for the tea room, which means Abode of the Equable Tiger.

As a place of practice and tranquility, Yukoan manifests the vision of Shambhala. Contemplative arts and practices not only bring beauty and vividness to our lives and environment, they enable us to synchronize body and mind in the present moment.

The Practice of Chanoyu (Японська чайна церемонія)

Chanoyu буквально означає «гаряча вода для чаю». Мистецтво Чанойю, приготування та подача чаю, є синтезом багатьох японських мистецтв, таких як аранжування квітів, каліграфія, поезії, кераміка, лаковані вироби, приготування їжі, архітектура, садівництво, і більше.

Як медитація в дії, практика чаювання розвивалася в Японії поряд з практикою дзен-буддизму. The tea master Sen Rikyu (1522-1591) studied tea from an early age and received Zen training at Daitoku-ji temple in Kyoto. It was Rikyu who joined the ordinary activities of daily life with contemplative practice in what has been passed down to the present as the Way of Tea.

Залишаючи позаду знайомі орієнтири світу, hosts and guests create a gentle moment, без минулого чи майбутнього. In this space of simplicity and appreciation, the student prepares and offers a bowl of tea. The practice of tea is a discipline of mindfulness and awareness, свято почуттів і подорож до відкритого серця.

Автори зображень: World History Encyclopedia.

2024-05-04 14:41:08