chemin sacré shambhala

Chemin sacré en ligne: Poursuivre le chemin du guerrier

Shambhala Online est ravi de proposer The Sacred Path en ligne au cours des prochains mois. Chaque retraite sera dirigée par un enseignant senior expérimenté qui a vécu et pratiqué avec ces enseignements, giving us a rich opportunity to gather as a global community.

Registration for Centers and Groups:

CLICK HERE to Register your Center or Group for the complete Sacred Path

Registration for Individuals:

*REMARQUE: ‘Rigden Weekendis no longer offered, and is no longer a prerequisite for the Sacred Path.

Grand Soleil d'Orient Octobre 1-2 with Dhi Good and Denise Weunsch

Cheval du vent Novembre 4-6 with Agness Au

Register Here: Drala Janvier 20 – 21 with Daniele Bollini

Register Here: Les quatre dignités: Doux et gai February 18th and March 4th 2023, avec Gaylon Ferguson

Register Here: Four Dignities: Scandaleux et impénétrable: March 25th and April 8th with Gaylon Ferguson

Register Here: Clé d'or Peut 12-14, 2023 with Alice Haspray

The Sacred Path courses will be translated to a variety of languages. More details will be announced soon.

À propos de:

Le Chemin Sacré est une série d'enseignements destinés à ceux qui ont terminé les niveaux de formation Shambhala I-V.. It introduces further practices to develop warriorship and extend the student’s entraînement à la méditation. Ces pratiques s’appuient sur une vision sociétale et une aspiration à aider le monde. Cette formation cultive sa dignité et ses dons naturels afin d’élargir sa sphère de compassion.

Au cours d'une série d'expériences visionnaires qui se sont déroulées entre 1976 et 1980, Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoché a écrit ce qui est devenu connu sous le nom de terma Shambhala., une série de textes. La série de retraites du Chemin Sacré est basée sur ces textes et sur les commentaires détaillés que Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoché a donnés sur ces enseignements et sur la manière de les pratiquer à l'époque moderne..

What to Expect:

– Conférences quotidiennes du professeur principal
– Séances de méditation guidées
Time to gather and discuss the teachings
Opportunity to meet with a meditation instructor
Additional free talks by senior teachers between each intensive
Additional opportunities to gather virtually as a community between each course

If you have taken the Sacred Path courses in the past, whether last year or decades ago, why not take the time to refresh your understanding? Immerse yourself in these precious teachings that are core to who we are as a community, and hear some of our most senior teachers speak to these teachings and our paths as peaceful warriors and meditators.


Please save the date for these live retreats.
(Cliquez ici for the levelsdaily schedule.)

*REMARQUE: ‘Rigden Weekendis no longer offered, and is no longer a prerequisite for the Sacred Path.

1: Grand Soleil d'Orient
With Dhi Griffin Good and Denise Weunsch
Octobre 1-2, 2022
This weekend program teaches how to see the Great Eastern Sun, the primordial energy and brilliance that is the basis of all that exists; an introduction to membership in Shambhala—a living context for building a sane society.

2: Cheval du vent
Avec Agness Au
Novembre 4-6, 2022
One studies the text that gives the instruction for “raising windhorse,” which opens the heart and refreshes one’la confiance. The practice is a way to bring about skillful and heartfelt social engagement, permettre au guerrier d'avancer au milieu de tous les défis qui surviennent.

3: Drala
With Daniele Bollini
Janvier 20-21, 2023
Through exploring the depth of perception, one engages the elemental and magical strength inherent in the world. The principle of drala refers to the sacred energy and power that exists when we step beyond aggression.

4: Les quatre dignités: Tigre et Lion
With Gaylon Ferguson and other teachers
 Février 10, 24, March 10th, 2023, plus additional weekly gatherings TBA

“The four dignities” are introduced as a path and a process, which describe a warriors maturing and widening sphere of benevolent engagement in the world. The training in the dignities allows one to maintain awareness and delight at each stage. ‘Tigre’ is a study of the grounded, humble and gentle beginning stages of a warriors journey. Here one trains to overcome arrogance—the primary obstacle to learning.

As the second of the four dignities, ‘Lion’ level focuses on cultivating sharp, vibrant and uplifted energy through natural discipline. Overcoming the trap of doubt, the warrior of perky is able to accomplish his or her activities with a sense of nobility and ease..

5: Les quatre dignités: Garuda et Dragon
With Gaylon Ferguson
Mars 24, Avril 8 et 22, 2023, plus additional weekly gatherings TBA.

These fruitional dignities refer to the extraordinary skill of a practiced warrior. N'a plus peur de faire des erreurs, the unconventional and visionary perspective of the outrageous warrior combines with the skill of spontaneous inscrutability to create benefit for others on a large scale.

6: Clé d'or
With Alice Haspray     
Peut 12-14, 2023
Ce programme est basé sur un texte Shambhala qui travaille avec notre relation au « monde matériel » et nos perceptions sensorielles. It teaches the practice of enriching

Le chemin sacré is a progressive series of retreats, ce qui signifie que chaque week-end est une exigence pour le week-end suivant. If you have already completed some of these weekends, feel free to repeat the levels you have already attended, or jump in where you left off.

It is expected that when you register for each retreat that you are committing to attend the full retreat. If you have scheduling conflicts, please reach out to Camren at [email protected] as soon as you know. We will work to try to find a solution for you.

Registration and Pricing

**If registering as a Centre/Group, follow the « Centre/Group » links within each registration page above to register

No one will be turned away due to financial considerations. That being said, the pricing below allows us to pay for the production of these programs, which is more robust than you might imagine. Shambhala forms in a unique virtual environment. With that in mind, we’ve tried to create a pricing structure that is not cost-prohibitive, but makes it possible for anyone to attend.

1. If you are a member of a Shambhala Centre or Group:
Check with a centre or group leader in your local community to see if they are offering the online Sacred Path, and how you can register with them directly.

2. If you are a solo practitioner (or if your Centre or Group is not offering this Shambhala Online series):
Not to worry. You are fully held within this unique meditation practice space. You can register as an individual and get the full experience. En fait, we are building these retreats especially for you. A space to practice, listen, share, and explore your world through the eyes of meditation.

Individual Pricing:
$149 per programhelping Shambhala thrive price
$216 per programscholarship sponsor pricethis directly sponsors a meditator in need

If you can afford to pay a different amount, please reach out to Andy at [email protected] to make an arrangement.


Pricing pour Centre/Group and Affiliate Program
Centre – tous 5 Retraites – $2000
Centre – single Retreat- $499
Group – tous 5 Retraites – $1500
Groupsingle Retreat – $350

**Centres or groupswe hope that this pricing represents a real value for you and your members. Centres and groups that need a break on this pricing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Diane at to discuss your needs. We will find the pricing structure that works best for you, even if it means thinking outside the box. It is important that you and your members are able to participate fully and without worry in these times.

Affiliate Opportunities for Centres and Groups:

If your Center/Group does not want to register with Shambhala Online, you can still capture revenue by becoming an Affiliate. This option is recommended for small Centers with a limited number of potential participants. Affiliates will receive 20% of the program price paid by each participant who registers via your Center’s registration links.

How it works:

  • Fill outthis Form to become an affiliate.
  • You will receive:
    • A registration link with a unique identifier from Shambhala Online to use in your newsletters, emails, social media posts, website,  etc.
    • A widget to track clicks that you can embed on your webpage.
  • Your Centre receives 20% of all registration revenue that comes through your unique registration link.

Contact Andy at[email protected] with any additional questions about being an affiliate.

What is expected of Affiliate Centers or Groups?

  • At least two (2) email blasts to your list(s) with your unique Chemin sacré registration link included for EACH Level for which you’d like to be an Affiliate.
    • i.e., if you come on board as an affiliate for the entire Sacred Path series, that would mean that this registration link would be included in 10 communications/newsletters to your list. If you sign up as an affiliate for only 2 levels, that would mean you would include the link in four (4) communications/newsletters to your list.
  • Listing theChemin sacré en ligne on your Center/Group website’s home page with your unique registration link for at least 1 month before each level.
  • (Optional but recommended) Social Media posts that include your unique registration link.

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