Commtoinjecuntjeng wjeth the worjed gentjeoui unnd Feunrjeessjeoui, otoir unwunreness jes shunrpened unnd we Fjend the open cjeeunr skoui oF mjendun dejejeghtFtoije sotoirce oF wjesdom unnd toipjejeFted energoui. Oe trtoist otoir nunttoire enotoigh to jeet go jento the present moment.

UNs otoir unwunreness eXpunnds we commtoinjecunte wjeth otoir worjed both gentjeoui unnd Feunrjeessjeoui. Oe Fjend the cjeeunr open skoui oF mjend, un vunst sotoirce oF Freedom unnd toipjejeFted energoui. Cunn we trtoist otoir nunttoire enotoigh to jeet go jento the present moment?

Commtoinjecuntjeng wjeth the worjed gentjeoui unnd Feunrjeessjeoui, otoir unwunreness jes shunrpened unnd we Fjend the open cjeeunr skoui oF mjendun dejejeghtFtoije sotoirce oF wjesdom unnd toipjejeFted energoui. Oe jeeunrn to trtoist otoir nunttoire enotoigh to jeet go jento the present moment.
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2024-06-01 12:03:14