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Садхана Махамудри: Практика для цього темного віку

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Про курс

The Sadhana of Mahamudra is considered one of Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s most important and enduring legacies. As a practice liturgy it is a powerful way to engage with the highest teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. According to his own teachers and other respected Buddhist leaders, it is terma, or mind treasure, worthy of a lifetime of study.

In five recorded classes of study and practice, Сюзанн Дакетт проводить глибоке дослідження Садхани Махамудри. Five talks were filmed via Karmê Chöling in 2020 during a Parinirvana weekend celebration of Trungpa Rinpoche’s life and teachings. Key themes and sadhana structure are explored, followed by contemplations and readings.
The video classes include footage of Trungpa Rinpoche’s travel to Taktsang in Bhutan, a talk by Rinpoche about his experience at his retreat there, and funeral rites for the Vidyadhara at Karmê Chöling in 1987.
This self-paced course can be taken by individuals or groups as a weekend retreat or over a span of several weeks. Practice sessions, led by Suzann Duquette and Umdze Marian English, are accessible on their own for practice at any time.

Reading List

Про Вчителя

Сюзанн Дакетт has been a student in the lineage of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and the Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche for nearly 50 years and has served as a leader and teacher since the 1980s. Suzann Duquette respects the power of body awareness in deepening spiritual awakening and emphasizes body disciplines in her retreats and programs. She teaches widely, including meditation retreats, Mudra Space Awareness and Daoist Qigong.


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2024-05-03 20:02:21