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Emplacement: Centre de méditation Shambhala de Los Angeles

Apprendre à méditer (En personne)

Explorez ce cours Shambhala en ligne enregistré à votre rythme.

This free introduction to mindfulness meditation is ideal for beginners, ainsi qu'à toute personne cherchant à rafraîchir sa compréhension de la pratique de la méditation.

The evening will be led by a senior Shambhala Meditation Instructor and will present the view and technique of mindfulness-awareness meditation, a helpful coping mechanism in these times of anxiety and uncertainty.  En synchronisant l'esprit et le corps dans la méditation, we can create the foundation for a sane and balanced life.

Class Features:

What is meditation?
How to work with one’s posture, haleine, et des pensées.
Group meditation practice.
How to maintain a regular practice.
Intro to techniques on carrying meditation into every life.

Open to AllFree to Register

Dans la tradition Shambhala, meditation is simply training our state of being so that our mind and body can be synchronized. Par la pratique de la méditation, we can learn to be without deception, to be fully genuine and alive. Our life is an endless journey; it is like a broad highway that extends infinitely into the distance. The practice of meditation provides a vehicle to travel on that road.

– Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoché, depuis « Shambhala, the Sacred Path of the Warrior »

Centre de méditation Shambhala de Los Angeles
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2024-05-18 15:10:12