Завантаження Події
Місцезнаходження: Лондонський центр медитації Шамбала

Хвалити й звинувачувати… та інші розлади, які роблять нас нещасними – Особисто та онлайн

Відкритий для всіх! 

If you attended the Розвиток Майтрі and/or Велика подорож programmes earlier this year you can have a discount on the price of this programme, please see below for details

“We might feel that somehow we should try to eradicate these feelings of pleasure and pain, loss, and gain, хвалити і звинувачувати, слава й ганьба. A more practical approach would be to get to know them, see how they hook us, see how they color our perception of reality, see how they aren’t all that solid. Then the eight worldly dharmas become the means for growing wiser as well as kinder and more content.
– Пема Ходрон
Ці вихідні пропонують можливість вивчити вчення буддизму Махаяни про вісім мирських проблем; хвалити і звинувачувати, слава й ганьба, втрата і виграш, задоволення і біль. These ancient teachings speak to a deeply rooted human habit, one which we can see thriving today in the social media and news economies.
The talks will be grounded in the wisdom which helps us recognise how we get hooked and swayed by these powerful experiences, and points out how we can learn to make different choices. The weekend will involve talks and exploration in the form of group discussion, contemplation and playful enquiry into the nature of our relationship with ego and it’s games.

This programme will take place in person at the London Shambhala Meditation Centre but can also be attended onlinePlease contact Katrina on [email protected] if you would like to participate remotely.


Про Вчителів

Jane Hope has been teaching since 1981 in the UK, North America and Europe. Born on the edge of the Pennines in the North East of England, Jane studied fine art and, like many of her generation became fascinated by Eastern religions and art. In the late 60’s, while living and working with an experimental theatre group and commune, the Exploding Galaxy, she started to hear rumours about an “interesting and outrageous young lamawho was living somewhere in UK. This was Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Jane worked for 15 years as a Bereavement Counsellor working with parents whose baby had died from SIDS (Sudden Infant death Syndrome). She has three published books, including “The Beginners Guide to Buddhism”.

David Morris lives in London where he works as a chaplain in healthcare, with responsibility for staff wellbeing at a hospital. He writes, records and performs songs under his own name and with bands, and spends a lot of time fantasising about living somewhere more rural and rugged, like Cornwall, where he grew up. He has studied religions academically (at the School of Oriental and African Studies) and has been on a Buddhist journey since his teens, mainly with Shambhala for the last decade. He spent 9 months on retreat as a monastic at Gampo Abbey in 2018/19, and looks to Pema Chodron as a teacher alongside Anam Thubten. David is a Trustee of the London Shambhala Meditation Centre and has held various volunteer roles there in the past before becoming a teacher and meditation instructor.


Payment Terms and Conditions

If you attended either the Розвиток Майтрі або Велика подорож programmes earlier this year you can have a 25% discount on the full or concession price of this programme, if you attended both then you can have a 35% discount. Please contact [email protected] to be sent a discount code.

Please register and pay in full on registration, ensuring you click on the relevant price option to go through to PayPal where you can also pay by credit/debit card. Cancellation up to 1 week before the programme will receive a full refund, after that there will be a £20 fee charged for cancellation up until two days before, after which no refund is granted.

The early bird registration fee of £90 is available until two weeks prior, after which time the fee will be £110. A concession fee of £60 is available for those earning below £25,000 per annum and a concession fee of £50 is available for those earning below £20,000.  Please contact [email protected] to arrange a concession. 

We do not want cost to be a barrrier to anyone attending and understand that these are challenging times financially for many peopleplease do not hesitate to contact us if you require a further concession.



Further Information

Субота: Tea/coffee & registration 9.30am, start 10am. Finish 5.30pm
неділя: Tea/coffee 9.30am, start 10am. Finish 4.30pm

For further information please email[email protected]

Лондонський центр медитації Шамбала
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2024-05-18 12:28:17