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Emplacement: Centre de méditation Shambhala de Minneapolis

Formation Shambhala Niveau IV – Cœur éveillé


This weekend retreat is being offered through Shambhala Online. We will participate as a group to watch the live-stream teachingsalong with in-person practice, discussions and community at the Minneapolis Shambhala Center. The best of both worlds: an outstanding international teacher connected with Centers around the world, received in the community of our own Center!

If you are unable to attend the program at the center, you also have the option of participating via zoom from home.


Course Description

Faire davantage confiance à la bonté fondamentale et oser expérimenter le tranchant de la réalité, on avance avec douceur, sensibilisation accrue, et curiosité pour le monde, tel quel. Nous constatons que nous pouvons nous étendre pleinement et avec bienveillance aux autres..

Shambhala Training Level IV is the fourth retreat in a progressive series of weekend retreats. Shambhala Training Level III is a prerequisite.

Prix ​​du programme: $199  (see below for discount information)


Registre on the Shambhala Online website at this link: Niveau IV

Be sure to enter Minneapolis jen the « Centre de partage des revenus » box and use this code in the « Revene Share Code » boîte: 2024LEVELIV50

Réductions:    Select the discount request button below the « S'inscrire maintenant » box on the registration page. This will take you to an online form where you can fill in your request. Note that if you have already taken the Level and are repeating it, you can request a 50% discount using the other reasons category and entering « repeating the program ».  


Le but de Shambhala Training est de sortir du cocon, which is the shyness and aggression in which we have wrapped ourselves… Un guerrier Shambhala est quelqu'un qui est assez courageux pour ne pas céder à l'agression et aux contradictions qui existent dans la société.…qui est capable de sortir du cocon–ce cocon très confortable dans lequel il essaie de dormir.


Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoché



Centre de méditation Shambhala de Minneapolis
Voir tous les événements dans Centre de méditation Shambhala de Minneapolis
2024-05-18 06:00:40