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Emplacement: Centre Boulder Shambhala

Cœur de récupération (En personne & En ligne)

Cœur de récupération
les mardis 5:30PM MT
En personne & En ligne

Addiction recovery support & méditation

Zoom link ICI

Heart of Recovery is a group meeting at the Boulder Shambhala Center, focused upon sharing support while bringing together contemplative practice and a commitment to sobriety.

Newcomers will learn basic meditation techniques to enhance, not replace, their own recovery program in a familiar and comfortable environment. Experienced meditators will discover new ways to deepen their current practice while supporting the group.

Sobriety is finding a new way of living that involves engagement where there was withdrawal; generosity where there was self-centeredness; community where there was isolation; joy where there was bitterness; trust where there was cynicism.

Kevin Griffin, One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps

Meeting format includes:

  • Pratique de la méditation assise
  • A topic offering in the form of brief comments or a reading by the night’s facilitator
  • Discussion and exploration by group members
  • Sharing our personal experience, strength, and hope
  • Dedication of merit

Open to all who are:

  • Buddhist practitioners from any tradition
  • 12 Step practitioners from any program
  • Individuals interested in exploring the relationship of meditation to recovery from addiction and addictive behaviors


Centre Boulder Shambhala
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2024-05-18 03:43:39