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Emplacement: Centre Boulder Shambhala

Chemin sacré VI & VII: Scandaleux & Impénétrable (Hybride)

Chemin sacré VI & VII: Scandaleux et impénétrable

Friday Evening Talk: 19 avril, 7-9PM MT                                                 
Samedi, 20 avril, 9AM-6PM MT
Dimanche, April 21st, 9AM-6PM MT

This is a Hybrid program, in-person and Zoom. Please note in the comments when registering if you plan to attend in person or online.

Plein tarif: $175
Parrainer: $220
BSC Member: $140
Subsidized: $100


Veuillez noter: Always check your spam folder after registering for programs and other offerings at BSC. Most registration related communications from BSC will come from an email address or

Scandaleux et Impénétrablethese fruitional dignities refer to the extraordinary skill of a practiced warrior.

N'a plus peur de faire des erreurs, la perspective non conventionnelle et visionnaire du guerrier scandaleux se combine avec l'habileté de l'imprévisibilité spontanée pour bénéficier aux autres à plus grande échelle.

The Four Dignities are introduced as a path and a process. The Shambhala Dignities describe a warriors maturing and widening sphere of benevolent engagement in the world. The training of the Sacred Path allows one to maintain awareness, plaisir, and appreciation at every stage of the journey.

Conditions préalables: Completion of Great Eastern Sun, Cheval du vent, Drala, and Meek and Perky Sacred Path levels.

À propos du chemin sacré:

Le chemin sacré series deepens the warriors journey by introducing the root Shambhala teachings and their commentaries. The teachings are based on a societal vision and aspiration to bring forth the goodness of human beings as well as the goodness of human society.

Au cours d'une série d'expériences visionnaires qui se sont déroulées entre 1976 et 1980, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote down the four root Shambhala texts. The Sacred Path is based on these texts. The Sacred Path presents extensive commentaries by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche on how these teachings are relevant in modern times.


Centre Boulder Shambhala
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2024-05-21 00:54:35