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Emplacement: Centre de méditation Austin Shambhala

Satisfaction au quotidien (Weekend Version)

Le contentement peut être difficile à trouver. Much of the time we search for contentment in things, achievements or relationships. Contentment in Everyday Life provides an exploration of genuine contentment, the foundational views of the Buddhist Hinayana teachings, and meditation in action for daily life. Through the gentle precision of meditation practice, we can learn to appreciate ourselves and our simple human experiences, free from self-aggression. Difficult emotions and the challenges of life can be met with curiosity, steadiness and humor.

Aucun prérequis: Contentment in Everyday Life is an entry level program and is a prerequisite for taking all subsequent Everyday Life classes, beginning withJoie au quotidien.

Texts: Readings will be recommended from the following texts, which are available for purchase at our center and at local and online stores, and also can be found in our library. These readings will supplement your learning but are not required.

  • Gouverner votre monde by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
  • Shambhala: Le chemin sacré du guerrier par Chögyam Trungpa
  • The Sanity We Are Born With par Chögyam Trungpa
  • Transformer l'esprit en allié by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche


This version of Satisfaction au quotidien will be offered in one weekend (as opposed to the usual format of 5 weekly classes). 

If you have any questions please contact Darren Allemand.

Pricing & Politique de générositéPlease pre-register online so that we can properly prepare for amounts of food, personnel, materials, etc. Aucun paiement n’est requis au moment de la pré-inscription. Si le prix est un obstacle pour vous, veuillez vous renseigner sur notre Politique de générosité.


Centre de méditation Austin Shambhala
Voir tous les événements dans Centre de méditation Austin Shambhala
2024-05-13 05:58:58