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Місцезнаходження: Клівлендський центр медитації Шамбала

Неділя День відкритих дверей & Розмова про Дхарму

Are you curious about meditationHave you been meaning to visit the CenterYou’re invited to our Third Sunday Open HouseReceive free meditation instruction, get a taste of meditating with a group, and stay for coffee, tea, conversation, and a short dharma talk.

10:00 a.m.: Meditation instruction for newbies, then join the full group for sitting and walking meditation.

(10:00 ранок. для regularsHybrid sitting and walking as usual.)

11:00  Grab coffee or tea and listen to a short dharma talk. Followed by conversation and general good cheer until noon. (11:00-12:00 will not be streamed.)

Побачити?  Easy!  Медитація, nice people, caffeine, nothing scary hereWe’ll see you the next Third Sunday!


This event is free and we are always grateful for donations.

Клівлендський центр медитації Шамбала
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2024-05-12 23:42:28