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Місцезнаходження: Центр Шамбала Долини Піонерів

Садхана Махамудри

Merging iconography from both the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, the Sadhana vividly portrays the waning of genuine spirituality in Tibet, the toxic impact of materialism in our modern era, and the power of unconditional wakefulness as an antidote to the world’s confusion.

With its kinetic energy and outrageous imagery, the sadhana is more to be felt than understood with the rational mind. The chant leader will introduce the practice beforehand. Chanting this powerful liturgy invites us to experience our innate wakefulness by opening to all phenomena, instead of turning away from the tumult of our restless, reactive minds.

Please arrive a few minutes prior to 5:30 so we can begin on time.

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2024-05-19 16:44:31