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Місцезнаходження: Балтіморський центр медитації Шамбала

Ретріт для медитації Nyinthün (Лише особисто)


A nyinthün is a full- or part-day meditation retreat where we can take the time to be with ourselves and extend our meditation practice. The nyinthün offers time to more fully immerse ourselves in the practice of mindfulness and to do so in a shared atmosphere of support.

This half-day retreat will include group meditation instruction and a practice period consisting of alternating sessions of sitting and walking meditation. A discussion of meditation practice, and our experiences in particular, will follow the practice period. Participants are welcome to stay after the program formally ends to socialize and to get more acquainted with our community. Help with clean-up is also appreciated!

As an in-person event, we ask that participants only attend if they are experiencing no COVID, грип, or cold-like symptoms the morning of the retreat; face masks are optional. Please note that we will *not* be offering this program online; it is live only.

This program is open to meditators of all experience levels, from beginners to long-time practitioners. Individual interviews with a Meditation Instructor will be available.

Tentative Schedule

8:45 ранок. – 9:00 ранок. Participant arrival
9:00 ранок. – 9:30 ранок. Welcome and opening remarks
9:30 ранок. – 12:00 вечора. Медитація сидячи і ходячи
12:00 вечора. – 12:30 вечора. Discussion and closing remarks
12:30 вечора. – 1:15 вечора. Informal socializing and clean-up

Hart Hall at The Church of the Nativity and Holy Comforter

Parking lot is located at 6112 Йоркська дорога, Балтімор, MD 21212
►Building entrance is at the top of the wheelchair ramp facing the parking lot


*** This program is being offered at no charge. ***

Please contact [email protected] with any questions


Балтіморський центр медитації Шамбала
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2024-05-13 10:13:20