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Tibetan queen and renowned yogini Yeshe Tsogyal experienced many obstacles and challenges on her path, some of them specifically because of her female birth and others connected to personal struggles everyone faces. Nevertheless, she was an unwavering dharma student, deeply practiced and committed to her teacher and consort, Guru Rinpoche. This course will explore Yeshe Tsogyal as a female exemplar, освічений учитель, і лютий захисник для всіх практиків дхарми. The course includes dharma talks, ritual practices, stories and discussions about the importance of Yeshe Tsogyal for contemporary times.

передумови: This course is open to all practioners.

Теми курсу

Клас 1 – Yeshe Tsogyal, Embodiment of Feminine Principle

An introduction to Yeshe Tsogyal, with outer, inner, and secret aspects of who she is and why she is so important in Tibetan Buddhism.

​Class 2 – Yeshe Tsogyal, Tibetan Noblewoman Becomes a Yogini

​An overview of Yeshe Tsogyal’s life and journey, with selected themes that inspire our practice.

Клас 3 – Yeshe Tsogyal Dakini Iconography

An exploration of Yeshe Tsogyal as woman, deity, and dakini from Tibetan Buddhist practice, with reference to contemporary pilgrimage sites associated with her journey.

Клас 4 – Yeshe Tsogyal the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism

Tracing her timeless relevance for practice, how Yeshe Tsogyal awakens authentic devotion, realization, and protection.

Клас 5 – Community Ritual for Mother Yesehe Tsogyal

A celebration of Yeshe Tsogyal through her ritual drawn from “Sunshine for a Pauper,” composed by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Course Readings

Lady of the Lotus Born by Gyalwa Changchub and Namkhai Nyingpo

The Life and Visions of Yeshé Tsogyal: The Autobiography of the Great Wisdom Queen by The Terton Drime Kunga, Yeshe Tsogyal and Chonyi Drolma

Про Вчителя

Джудіт Сіммер-Браун, доктор філософії, is a Distinguished Professor of Contemplative and Religious Studies Emeritx at Naropa University, where she has taught for over 40 років. Сіммер-Браун є тренером зі співчуття в Ініціативі співчуття в Наропі. Вона є автором Тепле дихання Дакіні: Жіноче начало в тибетському буддизмі (Шамбала) і редактор, з Френ Грейс, з Медитація та класна кімната: Контемплятивна педагогіка релігієзнавства (СУНІ). She teaches Shambhala Training levels, Теми махаяни та ваджраяни, з особливою любов'ю до Білої Тари, жіноче начало, робота з емоціями, співчуття та соціальна залученість.

2024-05-15 02:48:03