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Місцезнаходження: Галіфакс Шамбала Центр

Darkness, Порожнеча, Luminosity: A Journey Into the Mirror

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Into the Mirror is a guidebook for a Mahayana journey to shunyatathe empty, luminous nature of reality itself. This profound insight opens the door to freedom. In this program we will investigate ways to overcome the materialism and ignorance that shroud shunyata, using powerful methods from Mahayana Buddhism and various contemporary approaches.

In this weekend hybrid program, we will explore techniques for cutting the karmic chain reactions that bind us in samsara. We will look into contemporary thinking that challenges our materialistic assumptions. We will investigate techniques for deconstructing mental fabrications and elaborations. Finally, we will learn how recognizing the basic ground of being dissolves the foundations of duality.

“This is the universal ground of everything: it is the basis of freedom and also the basis of confusion.

                  —Чог'ям Трунгпа Рінпоче, Садхана Махамудри 

Andy Karr is a long-time Buddhist student, teacher and author. His most recent book is Into the Mirror: A Buddhist Journey through Mind, Matter, and the Nature of Reality.

П'ятниця, April 19th, 7-9 вечора; Субота, April 20th, 9 am-noon, 2-5 вечора

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2024-05-20 05:46:26