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Місцезнаходження: Центр медитації Шамбала в Нью-Йорку

Training for Meditation Instructors: Вихідні два (Онлайн)

Hosted by Shambhala Online

Weekend two will focus on embodimentboth generally and in meditation practice. The following topics will be discussed, as well as how to convey a sense of the experience of embodiment to others and how to guide people towards being embodied in their meditation practice:

  • Огляд уважності до тіла
  • Відкриття легкості та радості у фізичній позі медитації
  • Поєднання наших тіл із тілом землі та елементами нашого природного світу
  • Відчуйте енергію емоцій у своєму тілі та утримуйте своє місце
  • Communicating with others from an embodied place
  • Навчання працювати з фізичним дискомфортом через уважність до тіла
  • Дослідження та знайомство з чотирма позами медитації
  • Tips on how to lead body-centered practices
  • Приведення «уважності до тіла” у повсякденне життя


Weekend Two is the second of three training sessions for those interested in sharing the practice of meditation with others. These programs are designed to cultivate the understanding and skills to assist others along their meditation path. This series can be taken as continuing education for already authorized Meditation Instructors, and can serve as initial training for people who are practicing meditation and are interested in developing as Meditation Instructors.

This course is being offered through Shambhala Online. In order for Shambhala New York to receive a portion of the course price, please select “Нью-Йорк” as your center upon registration and use the course code 2024CONTINUING50. Should you run into any issues, please contact us at [email protected].

If you are interested in forming a study group to discuss these teachings with other NYC-based class participants, please reach out to[email protected]We are happy to put you in touch with others taking the same course.

Про Вчителя:
Еріка Берланд has been a Meditation Instructor since 1986 and a Shambhala Training Director since 1989. She taught in the original Ngedön School in NYC and has been teaching in the Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies for many years and currently. She also presents on Shambhala Online, talks and podcasts on meditation and the body. She created and directed a two year Meditation Practicum for Naropa University’s MFA Contemporary Performance Program that integrated meditation, somatic movement training and dharma art principles from 2004-2020. She is part of the founding faculty of Naropa University’s Mindful Compassion Course, WELCOME, a secular training offered by CACE (Center for the Advancement of Contemplative Education) and has been teaching in that program since its inception in 2017. She is the author of Сидячи: Фізичне мистецтво медитації published in 2017 and has presented numerous workshops based on her book throughout the US including Boulder, Ангели, NYC, Чикаго, Washington DC as well as Montreal, Канада.

She also offers regular workshops and teaching on Zoom and information on these can be found both on beaversberlandworkshops.com іerikaberland.com. Her work has also been published in a number of books on performance training and movement as well as Discovering Sanity(Ratna Peace Initiative), a publication for the incarcerated.

Центр медитації Шамбала в Нью-Йорку
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2024-05-13 18:40:49