Chargement Évènements
Emplacement: Centre de méditation Shambhala de Minneapolis

Entraînement ouvert du lundi

Mondays, 7pm to 9pm


At the heart of the Buddhist tradition is the sitting practice of meditation. While seemingly plain and uneventful at first glance, it contains within it limitless potential for synchronizing our minds and bodies, opening our hearts to kindness and compassion, bringing into focus our mindfulness and sharpening our discerning awareness, and growing ever more firmly rooted in our basic goodness and shared humanity. Variations of this discipline have been practiced for thousands of years by different spiritual traditions around the world.


In our practice of Shamatha, or Peaceful Abiding, we learn to sit with, appreciate, and observe the constant emergence of our thoughts, the full kaleidoscope of our shifting moods, the ebbs and tides of our emotions. Whatever happens to arise in the moment adds to the richness of our experience. We learn to sit with our minds, with our livesas we are. With continued practice, we learn to be at home with ourselves; we learn to be at home in the world.


Join us Monday evenings for open sitting practice and an engaging discussion over a cup of tea.

Ce programme est gratuit et ouvert à tous les niveaux d'expérience. Les débutants sont particulièrement encouragés à participer.

Centre de méditation Shambhala de Minneapolis
Voir tous les événements dans Centre de méditation Shambhala de Minneapolis
2024-05-13 02:24:56