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Місцезнаходження: Центр медитації Шамбала в Альбукерке

Книжкова група Дхарма – Особисто і віртуально

Досліджуйте цей записаний курс Shambhala Online у ​​своєму власному темпі.


Примітка: We’re offering this both in person and via Zoom for anyone who might like to join remotely.

Karma has become a popular term in the West, often connected with somewhat naive or deterministic ideas of rebirth and reincarnation. It is also often equated with views of morality and guilt.

в The Future Is Open, Chögyam Trungpa unpacks this intriguing but misunderstood topic. He viewed an understanding of karma as good news, showing us that liberation is possible and that the future is never predetermined. His unique approach to presenting the Buddhist teachings lends itself to an insightful and profound view of karma, its cause and effects, and how to cut the root of karma itself.

Please register if you plan to attend. If you plan to join via Zoom, please note that in the comment box on the registration form.

We will be discussing The Future is Open over 2 meetings:
— червень 16: Chapters 1-6
— липень 21: Chapters 7-12

If you have questions or would like to borrow a copy of the book, контакт Eric Zechman

If you’d like to join via Zoom, будь ласка натисніть тут.

Центр медитації Шамбала в Альбукерке
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2024-05-19 03:33:08