Chargement Évènements
Emplacement: Centre Shambhala d'Halifax

Matin de retraite de méditation Shambhala

“Shambhala Meditation expresses the heart of the Shambhala message:  feeling worthy to be, and touching our basic goodness.” Sakyong Mipham Rinpoché

Shambhala Meditation is a unique meditation introduced by Sakyong Mipham, the lineage holder of ShambhalaIt includes 3 phases and 3 gestures.

Open only to those who have received the transmission for Shambhala Méditation, Par exemple, in a Shambhala Méditation semaine jeudi or one of the Basic Goodness series courses.

The morning will include:  A brief check-in, Shambhala Pratique de la méditation, méditation en marchant, Shamatha yoga, reading from Proclaiming Basic Goodness: A Guide to Shambhala Méditation et discussion.

Please set up a place for your practice with a meditation cushion or chair, space for walking and Shamatha yoga, and your copy of the bookProclaiming Basic Goodness.

Log on 5-10 minutes early to make sure your microphone and camera are working.

 One must register to receive the link and the password.

Centre Shambhala d'Halifax
Voir tous les événements dans Centre Shambhala d'Halifax
2024-05-18 07:29:36